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"Melancholy x Melancholy" Tour Final @Zepp DiverCity TOKYO Live is the fifth video release released by Shinsei Kamattechan.

It was released in November 2020.

It was recorded on January 13, 2020 @Zepp DiverCity TOKYO.


  1. Openning
  2. Donaru Yume (怒鳴るゆめ; Shouted Dreams)
  3. Ruru-chan no Jisatsu Haishin (るるちゃんの自殺配信; Ruru's Suicide Show on a Livestream)
  4. Yurei Miman (ゆーれいみマン; Less Than a Ghost)
  5. Hibi Culture (日々カルチャア; Everyday Culture)
  6. Yuugure no Tori (夕暮れの鳥; Evening Birds)
  7. Eiga (映画; Film)
  8. Yuugure Memoraiza (夕暮れメモライザ; Evening Memorizer)
  9. Mainichi ga News (毎日がニュース; Every Day is News)
  10. Let's go Budokan!☆ (レッツゴー武道館っ!☆)
  11. Niku Mahou (肉魔法; Meat Magic)
  12. Oyasumi (おやすみ; 'Good Night)
  13. Yozora no Mushi to Doko Made mo (夜空の虫とどこまでも; Bugs in the Night Sky Forever)
  14. Girl2
  15. Bagutta no Miso (バグったのーみそ; Bugged Brain)
  16. Tou wo Noberu Neko (塔を登るネコ; Tower-climbing Cat)
  17. Pentel (ぺんてる)
  18. 2-nen (2年; 2 Years)
  19. Tenmongakuteki na Sono Kazukara (天文学的なその数から; Astronomical from That Number)
  20. Rock'n Roll wa Nariyamanai (ロックンロールは鳴り止まないっ; Rock ‘n’ Roll Won’t Stop Ringing)
  21. Front Memory (フロントメモリー)
    W Encore
  22. 23sai no Natsuyasumi (23才の夏休み; 23 Year Old’s Summer Vacation)
  23. Donaru Yume (怒鳴るゆめ; Shouted Dreams)
  24. Ending

Featured Members[]

