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Jpop Wiki

'94 "Expose" Concert tour 1994 in Yoyogi is the 10th video release released by Kudo Shizuka.

It was released on March 17, 1995.

It was recorded on 1994 @Yoyogi National Gymnasium.

Video Release Information[]

  • Catalog Number:
    • VHS: PCVP-51601
    • Laser Disc: PCLP-00544


  1. Opening (オープニング)
  2. Blue Rose
  3. Jazzy na Koneko (Jazzyな子猫; Jazzy Kitten)
  4. Sonoa to wa Ame no Naka (そのあとは雨の中; After That, it Was Raining)
  5. Yume (夢; Dream)
  6. Boku Yori Ii Hito to… (僕よりいい人と…; With Someone Better Than Me...)
  7. Jaguar Line
  8. naked love
  9. Party
  10. Rashikunai (らしくない; Unusual)
  11. Step
  12. Koe wo Kikasete (声を聴かせて; Let Me Hear Your Voice)
  13. I'm nothing to you
  14. Daite Kuretara Ii no ni (抱いてくれたらいいのに; I Wish You Could Hold Me)
  15. Ice Rain
  16. Door