30TH ANNIVERSARY LIVE SPECIAL "Happiness" is the fifth video release released by Iwasaki Hiromi.
It was released on April 21, 2005.
It was recorded on October 24, 2004 @Shibuya Orchard Hall.
Video Release Information[]
- Catalog Number:
- DVD: TEBI-48014
- Blu-ray: TEXI-49003
- Opening
- Sono Toki Kara (その瞬間から; From that Moment on)
- Ieji (家路; The Road Home)
- MC 1
- Shiawase ni Narou (幸せになろう; Let's Be Happy)
- Happiness
- MC 2
- Wasurenaide -Itjima- (忘れないで-イッチマ-; Don't Forget -Don't Forget-)
- MC 3
- Onaji Sora no Shitade (同じ空の下で; Under the Same Sky)
- 12 Gatsu no Ame (12月の雨; December Rain)
- MC 4
- Cosmos (秋桜)
- Mr.Melody
- MC 5
- Tsukimisou (月見草; Evening Primrose)
- MC 6
- Miagete Goran Yoru no Hoshi wo (見上げてごらん夜の星を; Look Up at the Stars at Night)
- Anata (あなた; You)
- MC 7
- Medley (メドレー)
- Azayakana Bamen (あざやかな場面; Vivid Scene)
- Nijusho (二重唱; Duet)
- Romance (ロマンス)
- Sentimental (センチメンタル)
- Omoide no Kino Shitade (想い出の樹の下で; Under the Tree of Memories)
- Shishuki (思秋期; Puberty)
- Cinderella Honeymoon (シンデレラ・ハネムーン)
- Mangekyou (万華鏡; Kaleidoscope)
- Sumireiro no Namida (すみれ色の涙; Violet Tears)
- Kesshin (決心; Determination)
- Suki ni Narazu ni Irarenai (好きにならずにいられない; I Can't Help but Fall in Love with You)
- Azayakana Bamen
- Tegami (手紙; Letter)
- MC 8
- Tada Ai no Tame ni Dake (ただ・愛のためにだけ; Simply, Just for Love)
- MC 9
- I DREAMED A DREAM ~Yume Yaburete~ (I DREAMED A DREAM~夢やぶれて~)
- MC 10
- IF EVER I WOULD LEAVE YOU ~Anata to Wakarerunara~ (IF EVER I WOULD LEAVE YOU~あなたと別れるなら~)
- Encore Hakushu (アンコール拍手; Encore Applause)
- Seibo Tachi no Lullaby (聖母たちのララバイ; Madonna's Lullaby)
- MC 11