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Jpop Wiki

8ack8eat (ハックビート; pronounced: Hack Beat) was a self-produced girls unit based in the Kansai region, formed in 2018.

Their concept is to be a group that hacks (manipulates) beats based on EDM sound. They are a creative unit whose members themselves create their own music and choreography.

The group went on an indefinite hiatus in February 2020 and resumed activities in January 2021.

On November 24, 2022, it was announced that the group would stop activities on January 8, 2023.


Final Line-Up[]

Former Members[]

  • ELY (Joined July 10, 2021; Withdrew October 26, 2022)


Digital Albums[]

  1. [2023.01.09] UNIVERSE

Mini Albums[]

  1. [2021.09.05] WATER


External Links[]
