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ABC ZA 2016 KABUSHIKIGAISHA OUENYA!! ~OH & YEAH!!~ is the eighth video release released by A.B.C-Z.

It was released on March 15, 2017.

It was recorded in October 2016 @Nissay Theater.

Video Release Information[]

  • Catalog Number:
    • PCBP-53212 (DVD Edition)
    • PCXP-50495 (Blu-ray Edition)


Act 1[]

  1. Prologue (プロローグ)
  2. Chazawa-dori (茶沢通り)
  3. Nakano no Asian Bar "Cherry Moon" (中野のアジアンバー「チェリー・ムーン」; Nakano's Asian Bar "Cherry Moon")
  4. Shimokitazawa no Kabushikigaisha Ouenya (下北沢の株式会社応援屋・事務所; Shimokitazawa Co., Ltd. Support Shop)
  5. Digital Corps no Jimusho (デジタル・コープスの事務所; Digital Corps Office)
  6. Kaerimichi (帰り道; On the Way Home)
  7. Sendagaya Shogi Kaikan Mae (Yokuasa) (千駄ヶ谷・将棋会館前(翌朝); In Front of Sendagaya Shogi Hall (Next Morning))

Act 2[]

  1. 2 Maku Opening (2幕オープニング; 2 Act Opening)
  2. Yumiko to Shuuya, Ishiken (裕美子と修也、いしけん; Yumiko and Shuuya, Rock-Paper-Scissors.)
  3. Ouenya no Jimusho (応援屋の事務所; Cheer Shop Office)
  4. Digital Corps (デジタルコープス)
  5. Keima VS "CATANA" (桂馬VS『CATANA』)
  6. Yahikoyama no Mieru Kaidou (Nagaoka) (弥彦山の見える街道(長岡); Road Where You Can See Mount Yahiko (Nagaoka))
    1. Take a ”5” Train
    2. Shower Gate
    3. Fantastic Ride
    4. Moonlight walker
    5. Supporters! ~ABS~ Supporters! (サポーターズ!〜ABC〜サポーターズ!)

Featured Members[]

External Links[]
