ABC Za Star Gekijou is the first video release released by A.B.C-Z.
It was released on July 4, 2012.
It was recorded on February 22, 2012 @Nissay Theater.
Video Release Information[]
- Catalog Number:
- PCBP-52221 (Regular DVD Edition)
- PCXP-50101 (Regular Blu-ray Edition)
- PCBP-52220 (Limited DVD Edition)
- PCXP-50100 (Limited Blu-ray Edition)
DVD 1 / Blu-ray[]
- Part 1 (We are the Five Stars!)
- Opening (オープニング)
- Kako e no Tabi (過去への旅; Journey to the Past)
- Sengoku Jidai (戦国時代; Sengoku Period)
- Sensou Jidai (戦争時代; War Period)
- Band Jidai (BAND時代; BAND Period)
- Showa no Jidai (昭和の時代; Showa Period)
- Gendai (現代; Present Day)
- ファイブスター (Five Star)
- Part 2 (A.B.C-Z Live)
- A to Z
- Crush
- Suna no Glass (砂のグラス; Glass of Sand)
- Dream ~5 Tsu no Negai~ Corner (Dream~5つの願い~コーナー; Dream ~5 Wishes~ Corner)
- A.B.C-Z
- Koi ni Ochita Bodyguard (恋に落ちたボディガード; The Bodyguard in Love)
- Johnny's Medley (ジャニーズメドレー)
- Taiyou no Aitsu (太陽のあいつ; Guy of the Sun)
- Bulldog (ブルドッグ)
- Otonoko Onnanoko (男の子女の子; A Boy and a Girl)
- Aishuu Date (哀愁でいと; Mournful)
- Seaker Blues (スニーカーぶる〜す)
- NAI・NAI 16
- Dynamite (ダイナマイト)
- Kanashimi Blue (カナシミ ブルー; Blue Sadness)
- Family ~ Hitotsu ni Naru Koto (Family 〜ひとつになること; Family ~ To be One)
- Keep the faith
- Midnight Shuffle (ミッドナイト・シャッフル)
- Yokubou no Rain & With you (欲望のレイン & With you; Rain of Desire & With you)
- A.B.C-Z Medley (A.B.C-Zメドレー)
- Vanilla
- Freedom ~Afure Dasu Omoi~ (Freedom~溢れ出す想い~; Freedom ~Overflowing Thoughts~)
- Bokura ~Love&Peace~ (ボクラ〜Love&Peace〜; We Are ~Love&Peace~)
- A to Z
- Naked
- Za ABC ~5stars~
Limited Bonus DVD[]
- Debut and Rehearsal Documentary
Featured Members[]
External Links[]
- Pony Canyon Profile
- Oricon Profile: Regular DVD Edition • Regular Blu-ray Edition • Limited DVD Edition • Limited Blu-ray Edition