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Agnes Chan Debut 35 Shuunen Concert Sekai e Todoke Heiwa e no Utagoe TALK & LIVE is the second video release released by Agnes Chan.

It was released on February 21, 2007.

Video Release Information[]

  • Catalog Number: CRBN-22


  1. Ai no Harmony (愛のハーモニー; Love Harmony)
  2. Hinageshi no Hana (ひなげしの花; Poppy Flower)
  3. Sougen no Kagayaki 2005 (草原の輝き2005; Splendor of the Meadow 2005)
  4. Boku no Umi (ぼくの海; My Sea)
  5. Kaettekita Tsubame (帰ってきたツバメ; Returning Swallows)
  6. Somebody's Crying
  8. Hangetsu (半月; Half Moon)
  9. Chugoku Chihou no Komori Uta (中国地方の子守唄; Chugoku Region Lullaby)
  10. Mama Hao (マーマーホー; Hello Mom)
  11. Hana (花; Flower)
  12. Shima Uta (島唄; Island Song)
  13. Kono Mi ga Chigireru Hodo ni ~ Lovin'you is killin'me (この身がちぎれるほどに 〜Lovin'you is killin'me; Torn to Pieces ~ Lovin'you is killin'me)
  14. Shiawase no Hana (しあわせの花; Flower of Happiness)
  15. Ai ga Mitsukari Sou (愛がみつかりそう; I Think I'll Find Love)
  16. Soko ni wa Shiawase ga Mou Umarete Irukara (そこには幸せがもう生まれているから; Because Happiness is Already Born There)
  17. Tasogare Monogatari (黄昏物語; Twilight Story)