airattic (エアラティック) is a five-member Japanese idol group formed on January 31, 2022.
They made their stage debut on February 20, 2022 @SHIBUYA WOMB.
Their group name consists of the words "air" and "attic".
The group's music style focuses on guitar rock and electronica sound.
- Kagura Nene (神楽寧々; Dusty White) (Founding Member)
- Koizumi Hinari (小泉日菜莉; Dusty Blue) (Founding Member)
- Momose Madoka (百瀬円香; Dusty Yellow) (Founding Member)
- Sakuragi Honoka (桜木穂乃花; Dusty Purple) (Founding Member)
- Mukai Ami (向日葵海; Dusty Orange) (Joined on June 16, 2023)
- [2023.03.15] airattic
Digital Singles[]
- [2022.06.29] Kanjou-sen Children / mixjuice (環状線チルドレン / mixjuice; Looped-Line Children / mixjuice)
- [2022.09.11] Film Wheel o Mawashite (フィルムリールを回して; Spin the Film Wheel)
- [2022.12.19] Senkou (閃光; Lightning)
- [2023.07.26] Lemon (檸檬)
- [2023.10.13] Flicker's High (フリッカーズ・ハイ)
- [2024.07.10] Yaneura kara aiwokomete (屋根裏から愛を込めて)
- [2024.08.27] Distortion (ディストーション)
- [2022.10.15] City
- [2024.02.12] Whatever