Akuma no Kiss (悪魔のキッス) is an idol duo formed by Senritsu Kanano and Katy, both former ZOC members who are also active in their own separate projects. The unit was originally created as an April Fools project and debuted on April 1, 2022, but became a permanent unit afterwards.
- Senritsu Kanano (戦慄かなの)
- Katy (かてぃ)
Digital Singles[]
- [2022.04.02] Akuma no Kiss (悪魔のキッス)
- [2023.04.04] imp DEVILS
- [2023.04.29] Hakobune (方舟)
- [2023.05.13] Custom Love Doll (カスタムラブドール)
- [2023.08.02] unhappy birthday
- [2023.09.10] Happy ja ne? Chou Sunrise (ハピじゃね?超サンライズ)
- [2023.09.17] AIDIE