Ayano Maria (文乃万里愛), formerly known as Kurata Maria (倉田万里愛) is a former member of 24o'clock.
She joined 24o'clock under the name Kurata Maria, but began activities under the name Ayano Maria from June 2019. She graduated from the group on September 27, 2019.
- Name: Ayano Maria (文乃万里愛)
- Former Name: Kurata Maria (倉田万里愛)
- Nickname: Aya-chan (あやちゃん), Ayano-chan (あやのちゃん), Mari-chan (まりちゃん)
- Birthday: April 9
- Birthplace: Kochi, Japan
- Zodiac:
- Blood Type: B
- Height: 157cm