BAB is the second and last album released by Ushirogami Hikaretai.
It was released on March 21, 1988.
On July 16, 2008, the album was re-released as a part of the Pony Canyon Series My Kore! Choice (Myこれ!チョイス) under the name My Kore! Choice 16 BAB + Single Collection Myこれ!チョイス 16 BAB+シングルコレクション), this release also featured A side tracks from all their singles. This version would later be digitally released as well.
Album Information[]
- Catalog Number:
- C28A0627 (Vinyl)
- 28P6785 (Cassette)
- D32A0353 (CD)
- PCCS-00016 (Re-release CD)
- Lyrics:
- Miura Yoshiko (三浦徳子) (Track 1, 8 and 18)
- Akimoto Yasushi (秋元康) (Track 2, 4, 7, and 10-17)
- Saeki Kenzo (サエキけんぞう) (Track 3 and 6)
- Amano Shigeru (天野音彦) (Track 5)
- Arikawa Masako (有川正沙子) (Track 9)
- Composition:
- Goto Tsugutoshi (後藤次利) (Track 1, 2, 4-7, and 9-18)
- Okiyama Yuji (沖山優司) (Track 3)
- Yoshikawa Chuei (吉川忠英) (Track 8)
- Arrangement:Goto Tsugutoshi
- Honey
- Hora ne, Haru ga Kita (ほらね、春が来た; Look, Spring Came)
- Gomen ne Cowboy (ごめんねカウボーイ; Sorry Cowboy)
- Marmalade no Tasogare (マーマレードの黄昏; Twilight Marmalade) (By Ikuina Akiko)
- Yokan no Squall (予感のスコール; Premonition Squall) (By Saito Makiko)
- Moebius no Koibito (メビウスの恋人; Moebius Lover)
- Yagiza no Earring (山羊座のイヤリング; Capricorn Earring)
- Hikishio (引き潮; Ebb Tide) (By Kudo Shizuka)
- Hora ne, Haru ga Kita (Turntable Mix)
My Kore! Choice[]
- Honey
- Hora ne, Haru ga Kita
- Gomen ne Cowboy
- Marmalade no Tasogare (By Ikuina Akiko)
- Yokan no Squall (By Saito Makiko)
- Moebius no Koibito
- Yagiza no Earring
- Hikishio (By Kudo Shizuka)
- Hora ne, Haru ga Kita
- Toki no Kawa wo Koete (時の河を越えて; Crossing the River of Time)
- Ushirogami Hikaretai (うしろ髪ひかれたい; I Want to Be Pulled by the Hair)
- Anata wo Shiritai (あなたを知りたい; I Want to Know You)
- Tatsu Tori Ato wo Nigosazu (立つ鳥跡を濁さず; It's an Ill Bird That Fouls Its Own Nest)
- Dare mo Shiranai Blue Angel (誰も知らないブルーエンジェル; A Blue Angel Who Doesn't Know Anyone)
- Gokitai Kudasai! (ご期待下さい!; Please Give Me Hope!)
- Ima wa Psycho! (今日はサイコー!; Now is Psycho!)
- Kumo no Ue wa Itsumo (雲の上はいつも; Always Above the Clouds)
Featured Members[]
External Links[]
- Oricon Profile: Vinyl • Re-release CD