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BAB is the second and last album released by Ushirogami Hikaretai.

It was released on March 21, 1988.

On July 16, 2008, the album was re-released as a part of the Pony Canyon Series My Kore! Choice (Myこれ!チョイス) under the name My Kore! Choice 16 BAB + Single Collection Myこれ!チョイス 16 BAB+シングルコレクション), this release also featured A side tracks from all their singles. This version would later be digitally released as well.

Album Information[]

  • Catalog Number:
    • C28A0627 (Vinyl)
    • 28P6785 (Cassette)
    • D32A0353 (CD)
    • PCCS-00016 (Re-release CD)
  • Lyrics:
    • Miura Yoshiko (三浦徳子) (Track 1, 8 and 18)
    • Akimoto Yasushi (秋元康) (Track 2, 4, 7, and 10-17)
    • Saeki Kenzo (サエキけんぞう) (Track 3 and 6)
    • Amano Shigeru (天野音彦) (Track 5)
    • Arikawa Masako (有川正沙子) (Track 9)
  • Composition:
    • Goto Tsugutoshi (後藤次利) (Track 1, 2, 4-7, and 9-18)
    • Okiyama Yuji (沖山優司) (Track 3)
    • Yoshikawa Chuei (吉川忠英) (Track 8)
  • Arrangement:Goto Tsugutoshi


  1. Honey
  2. Hora ne, Haru ga Kita (ほらね、春が来た; Look, Spring Came)
  4. Gomen ne Cowboy (ごめんねカウボーイ; Sorry Cowboy)
  5. Marmalade no Tasogare (マーマレードの黄昏; Twilight Marmalade) (By Ikuina Akiko)
  6. Yokan no Squall (予感のスコール; Premonition Squall) (By Saito Makiko)
  7. Moebius no Koibito (メビウスの恋人; Moebius Lover)
  8. Yagiza no Earring (山羊座のイヤリング; Capricorn Earring)
  9. Hikishio (引き潮; Ebb Tide) (By Kudo Shizuka)
  10. Hora ne, Haru ga Kita (Turntable Mix)

My Kore! Choice[]

  1. Honey
  2. Hora ne, Haru ga Kita
  4. Gomen ne Cowboy
  5. Marmalade no Tasogare (By Ikuina Akiko)
  6. Yokan no Squall (By Saito Makiko)
  7. Moebius no Koibito
  8. Yagiza no Earring
  9. Hikishio (By Kudo Shizuka)
  10. Hora ne, Haru ga Kita
  11. Toki no Kawa wo Koete (時の河を越えて; Crossing the River of Time)
  12. Ushirogami Hikaretai (うしろ髪ひかれたい; I Want to Be Pulled by the Hair)
  13. Anata wo Shiritai (あなたを知りたい; I Want to Know You)
  14. Tatsu Tori Ato wo Nigosazu (立つ鳥跡を濁さず; It's an Ill Bird That Fouls Its Own Nest)
  15. Dare mo Shiranai Blue Angel (誰も知らないブルーエンジェル; A Blue Angel Who Doesn't Know Anyone)
  16. Gokitai Kudasai! (ご期待下さい!; Please Give Me Hope!)
  17. Ima wa Psycho! (今日はサイコー!; Now is Psycho!)
  18. Kumo no Ue wa Itsumo (雲の上はいつも; Always Above the Clouds)

Featured Members[]

External Links[]
