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Beardored (ベアードアード) was a six-member male idol group formed on April 14, 2020.

They made their major debut on August 31, 2022.

Their ended activities on May 30, 2024. Their final lineup was included in successor group XP!A, set to debut on July 30, 2024.[1]


Final Line-Up[]

  • Amato-kun (あまとくん; Yellow) (Founding Member)
  • Uto (うと; White) (Founding Member; Concurrent member of #Lovesick)
  • Tsubaki-kun (つばきくん; Red) (Founding Member; Concurrent member of Yumekui NEON)
  • Naichi-kun (ないちくん; Light Blue) (Founding Member)
  • Name (なめ; Blue) (Founding Member; Concurrent member of Yumekui NEON; Leader)
  • Riu-kun (りうくん; Orange) (Joined September 5, 2021)

Former Members[]

  • Toy (とい; Green) (Founding Member; Graduated on September 4, 2021; Transferred to Scapegoat)
  • Noah (のあ; Purple) (Founding Member; Graduated March 12, 2023)
  • Iripon Sensei (いりぽん先生; Pink) (Joined April 16, 2021; Graduated May 30, 2024)



Digital EPs[]

  1. [2024.02.05] FAITH


  1. [2022.08.31] Historia (ヒストリア)

Digital Singles[]

  1. [2022.04.11] Beardored (ベアードアード)
  2. [2022.04.18] Diver Liver (ダイバライバ)
  3. [2022.04.25] Love Nightmare (ラヴナイトメア)
  4. [2022.05.02] RingRing
  5. [2022.05.11] Matiari (マティアリ)
  6. [2022.05.16] Stigma (スティグマ)
  7. [2022.05.23] heterodox
  8. [2022.05.30] Culttic (カルトチック)
  9. [2022.06.06] Fanaty (ファナティ)
  10. [2022.06.20] Messiah (メサイア)
  11. [2022.07.11] Shitsuraku Eden (失楽エデン; Lost Eden)
  12. [2022.08.31] Historia (Special Edition)
  13. [2022.12.22] Kamatte Hoshii (かまってほしい; Look at Me)
  14. [2023.03.13] Moon Shade (ムーンシェイド)
  15. [2023.03.14] Choco-la-Holic
  16. [2023.03.17] Trick Ghost (トリックゴースト)
  17. [2023.03.20] Death Death Hades (デスデスハデス)
  18. [2023.03.27] Hohoendeyo, Joker (微笑んでよ、ジョーカー; Smile, Joker)
  19. [2023.04.03] Fabula (ファーブラ)
  20. [2023.05.26] Hime-sama no Iutoori (姫様の言うとおり; As the Princess Says)
  21. [2023.06.18] Nemesia (ネメシア)
  22. [2023.07.12] Aijou Kiga Shoujo (愛情飢餓少女; Girl Craving Affection)
  23. [2023.07.18] Lady Killer Cocktail (レディキラーカクテル)
  24. [2023.09.01] Shijou Meidai=Anthology (至上命題=アンソロジー; Supremacy Theory=Anthology)
  25. [2023.10.08] Chat Noir (シャノワール)
  26. [2023.11.01] Noir (ノワル)
  27. [2023.11.20] Lost Liar (ロストライア)
  28. [2023.12.23] Eigou Labyrinth (永劫ラビリンス; Eternal Labyrinth)
  29. [2024.01.15] Idolatry (アイドラトリィ)
  30. [2024.03.22] Viginner (ヴィギナー)
  31. [2024.06.01] Ainomisa (アイノミサ)

Collaboration Singles[]

  1. [2024.04.02] Tokimeki UNITED (トキメキ UNITED)

Video Releases[]

  1. [2022.04.10] 1st ONE-MAN LIVE -Culttic- (1st ONE-MAN LIVE -カルトチック-)



External Links[]
