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Jpop Wiki



Bokura no Switch (僕等のスイッチ) is an idol group formed in January 2022.

They had their stage debut on February 13, 2022 @The Voodoo Lounge.[1]


Current Members[]

  • Ichigotani Fuwari (苺谷風凜; Pink) (Founding Member; Graduating February 10, 2025; Leader)
  • Minase Mokumo (水瀬もくも; Light Blue) (Founding Member)
  • Amano Uki (天野うき; Green) (Joined July 27, 2022)
  • Amatsuka Sui (天使すい; White) (Joined September 23, 2023; Graduating February 10, 2025)

Former Members[]

  • Shirano Miyuka (白埜海花; White) (Founding Member; Withdrew June 29, 2022)
  • Takanashi Izumi (小鳥遊いずみ; Red) (Joined July 27, 2022; Withdrew March 28, 2023)
  • Kawai Hana (可愛はな; Yellow) (Founding Member; Graduated September 17, 2023; Former Leader)
  • Sakurami Matsuri (桜美まつり; Purple) (Joined September 23, 2023; Withdrew October 18, 2024)


Digital Singles[]

  1. [2022.02.14] Shunkan Saidai Fuusoku (瞬間最大風速; Instantaneous Maximum Wind Speed)
  2. [2022.03.25] Kokoro ga Sakenderu (心が叫んでる; My Heart is Screaming)
  3. [2022.04.17] rail
  4. [2022.05.15] Farewell
  5. [2022.06.22] Hatsukoi Sunset (初恋サンセット; First Love Sunset)
  6. [2022.07.08] Musekinin Rock (無責任ロック; Irresponsible Rock)
  7. [2022.07.09] Wakusei Circulation! (惑星さーきゅれいしょん!; Planet Circulation!)
  8. [2023.02.22] Orentoko Konai ka (^_-)-☆ (俺んとここないか(^_-)-☆; Wanna Come to My Place? (^_-)-☆)
  9. [2023.09.18] PROUD
  10. [2023.09.24] Cantabile (カンタービレ)
  11. [2023.12.17] RAYS
  12. [2023.12.31] Yowamushi (弱虫; Weakling)
  13. [2024.02.01] Muteki☆Quest (無敵☆くえすと; Invincible☆Quest)
  14. [2024.02.14] Bokura no Uta (僕等のうた; Our Song)
  15. [2024.02.14] Bokura no Switch desu. (僕等のスイッチです。; We Are Bokura no Switch.)
  16. [2024.05.25] ♡db
  17. [2024.09.11] Reimei (黎明; Dawn)
  18. [2024.09.12] Kimagure Monster (気まぐれモンスター; Capricious Monster)
  19. [2025.02.01] Hana (花; Flower)

Compilation Albums[]

  1. [2023.06.20] #YABABABABABABABABABABACUBE (#やばばばばばばばばばばきゅーぶ) (Track 6)



External Links[]
