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Chisana Koi no Melody / The Lilies no Sekai is the first album released by The Lilies.

It was released on April 5, 1976.

Album Information[]

  • Catalog Number:
    • Vinyl: TP-72149
    • CD: TOCT-25235
    • CD Re-release: UPCY-7511
  • Lyrics:
  • Composition:
    • Track 1-10: Morita Koichi (森田公一)
    • Track 11 and 12: Hagita Mitsuo (萩田光雄)
  • Arrangement: Hagita Mitsuo


  1. Ijiwaru Tokei (いじわる時計; Fiddly Clock)
  2. Yubikiri (ゆびきり; Pinky Swear)
  3. Suzuran no Hana (すずらんの花; Lily of the Valley Flower)
  4. Chippoke na Kokuhaku (ちっぽけな告白; Tiny confession)
  5. Mizu Iro no Tokimeki (水色のときめき; Light Blue Crush)
  6. Yousei Tachi (妖精たち; Fairies)
  7. Suki yo Captain (好きよキャプテン; I Love You Captain)
  8. Sotsugyou (卒業; Graduation)
  9. Koi no Tsubomi-kun (恋のつぼみ君; Mr. Love Buds)
  10. Koisuru San Byoukan (恋する三秒間; Three Seconds of Love)
  11. April Fool's (エイプリルフール)
  12. Chisana Koi no Melody (小さな恋のメロディー; Little Love Melody)

Featured Members[]
