Eenie Menie Minie Mo (イニーミニーマニーモー) was an idol duo with an average height of 145cm. They were originally formed as a sub-unit of Elastico in February 2012 and stopped activities in May 2014. They reformed under a new agency in October 2014 and continued to be active until Nakamura Aya's departure in May 2015.
- Hashimoto Mami (橋本まみ)
- Nakamura Amo (中村彩)
- [2012.06.06] Loverinth Time (らぶりんすたいむ)
- [2012.11.21] Muteki Dayo Yes we can! (無敵だよ Yes we can!)
- [2013.09.10] Anpon Tanpun Chinpun Kanpun (アンポンタンプンチンプンカンプン)