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Jpop Wiki

female is the fifth video release released by Kudo Shizuka.

It was released on February 5, 1992.

Video Release Information[]

  • Catalog Number:
    • VHS: PCVP-51756
    • LD: PCLP-00281


  1. Metamorphose (メタモルフォーゼ)
  2. Again
  3. Boyaboya de Kinai (ぼやぼやできない; I Can't Do It in a Blur)
  4. Please
  5. Mechakucha ni Naite Shimaitai (めちゃくちゃに泣いてしまいたい; I Want to Cry so Badly)
  6. Senryuu no Shizukuu (千流の雫; A Drop in the Ocean)