Futaba Yuri (双葉ゆり), formerly known as Amatsuki Yuri (天月ゆり), is a Japanese idol, a former member of &Ch!ll and a former member of Appare! and MADMAO.
She was a founding member of Appare! and graduated in January 2018.
She later became a founding member of &Ch!ll and held a concurrent position in MADMAO, which made &Ch!ll suspend activities.
She was announced as a new member of MADMAO on August 6, 2021 and graduated from it on July 11, 2022.
She was a Miss iD 2017 semifinalist.[1]
She was a Miss iD 2021 semifinalist.[2]
- Hobbies: Playing video games, watching anime, cosplay, photography
- Special Skills: Listening to Disney songs and cry.
- Likes: Spring.