GANG PARADE (formerly POP (ピオピ) and Pla2me (プラニメ)) is an idol group. The group was originally formed in September 2014.
Pla2me was formed in August 2014 by Kamiya Saki and Mizuta Mari. They released their first single titled "Plastic 2 Mercy".
On March 31, 2015, Mizuta Mari announced she would be leaving the group.
On May 31, 2015, at Mari's graduation live, it was announced that Pla2me was done and that POP was born. Pop stands for "Period of Plastic 2 Mercy". Four new members were added to the group at that time.[1]
In 2020, the group was split into two separate units; GO TO THE BEDS and PARADISES.
In 2021, the group held a graduation concert for Kamiya Saki who previously graduated in 2020 but because of COVID-19 restrictions delays kept continously happening.
In 2022, the group announced that they would be restarting activities.
Current Members[]
- Yamamachi Miki (ヤママチミキ; Green) (Joined May 31, 2015)
- Yumeno Yua (ユメノユア; Pink) (Joined May 31, 2015)
- Can GP Maika (キャン・GP・マイカ; Orange) (Joined October 2, 2016)
- Yui ga Dokuson (ユイ・ガ・ドクソン; White) (Joined November 6, 2016)
- Coco Partin Coco (ココ・パーティン・ココ; Red) (Joined November 6, 2016)
- Tsukino Usagi (月ノウサギ; Light Blue) (Joined March 17, 2018)
- NARUHAWORLD (ナルハワールド; Light Green) (Joined May 19, 2019)
- Kila May (キラ・メイ; Light Pink) (Joined March 28, 2020)
- Changbaby (チャンベイビー; Yellow) (Joined January 1, 2022)
- Ca Non (キャ・ノン; Blue) (Joined January 1, 2022)
- Ainastar (アイナスター; Nasu) (Joined March 26, 2022)
Former Members[]
- Mizuta Mari (ミズタマリ; Red) (Original Member; Graduated May 31, 2015)
- Shigusawa Ao (シグサワアオ; White) (Joined May 31, 2015; Graduated August 11, 2016)
- Inukai Maaya (イヌカイマアヤ; Yellow) (Joined May 31, 2015; Left October 1, 2016)
- AYA EiGHTPRiNCE (アヤ・エイトプリンス) (Joined May 1, 2017; Transferred back to BiS March 4, 2018)
- Haruna Bad Chiin (ハルナ・バッ・チーン; Yellow) (Joined March 17, 2018; Withdrew February 20, 2020)
- Kamiya Saki (カミヤサキ; Blue) (Original Member; Graduated May 22, 2020)
- Potential (カ能セイ; Turquoise) (Joined March 26, 2022; Left July 16, 2024)
- Terashima Yuuka (テラシマユウカ; Purple) (Joined November 6, 2016; Left December 1, 2024)
See GANG PARADE's page on WACKi.