GOLDEN J-POP / THE BEST Candies is the 16th best album released by Candies.
It was released on November 21, 1997.
Best Album Information[]
- Catalog Number: SRCL-4119~20
CD 1[]
- Candies (キャンディーズ)
- Anata ni Muchuu (あなたに夢中; I'm Crazy About You)
- Soyokaze no Kuchizuke (そよ風のくちづけ; A Kiss of the Breeze)
- Abunai Douyoubi (危い土曜日; Dangerous Saturday)
- Namida no Kisetsu (なみだの季節; Season of Tears)
- Toshishita no Otoko no Ko (年下の男の子; Younger Boy)
- Uchiki na Aitsu (内気なあいつ; Shy Guy)
- Sonoki ni Sasenaide (その気にさせないで; Don't Make Me Do It)
- Heart no Ace ga Detekonai (ハートのエースが出てこない; Ace of Hearts Doesn't Appear)
- Haru Ichiban (春一番; First Storm of Spring)
- Natsu ga Kita! (夏が来た!; Summer is Here!)
- Heart Dorobou (ハート泥棒; Heart Thief)
- Aishuu no Symphony (哀愁のシンフォニー; Symphony of Sorrow)
- Yasashii Akuma (やさしい悪魔; Kind Demon)
- Shochuu Omimai Moushiagemasu (暑中お見舞い申し上げます; Midsummer Greeting)
- Un Deux Troix (アン・ドゥ・トロワ)
- Wana (わな; Snare)
- Hohoemi Gaeshi (微笑がえし; Returning The Smile)
- Tsubasa (つばさ; Wing)
CD 2[]
- Kanashimi no Heroine (悲しみのヒロイン; Heroine of Sadness)
- Akogare (あこがれ; Longing)
- Watashi no Kare wo Shoukai Shimasu (私の彼を紹介します; Let Me Introduce You to My Boyfriend)
- Kisetsu no Wakare (季節の別れ; Farewell to the Season)
- Anata ni Muchuu (Live Version)
- Kanashiki Tameiki (悲しきためいき; Sigh of Sadness) (Live Version)
- Proud Mary (プラウド・メアリー) (Live Version)
- Futari no Love Song (ふたりのラヴ・ソング; All You Get From Love is a Love Song)
- Orange no Umi (オレンジの海; Orange Ocean)
- Anata no Yesterday (あなたのイエスタデイ; Your Yesterday)
- Wakaretemo Aishite (別れても愛して; Love Me Even When We're Apart)
- Ima ga Chance Desu (今がチャンスです; Now is Your Chance!)
- Gokigen Ikaga (ご機嫌いかが; How Are You)
- Futari Dake no Yoake (二人だけの夜明け; Dawn for Just the Two of Us)
- Fuyu no Mado (冬の窓; Winter Window)
- Koi no Byouki (恋の病気; Lovesickness)
- I Believe in Music (アイ・ビリーブ・イン・ミュージック) (Live Version)