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HIROMI IWASAKI 45th ANNIVERSARY CONCERT Nokoshitai Hana ni Tsuite is the 13th video release released by Iwasaki Hiromi.

It was released on March 24, 2021.

It was recorded on December 2, 2020.

Video Release Information[]

  • Catalog Number:
    • DVD: TEBI-50627
    • Blu-ray: TEXI-55058
    • DVD Box: TEI-174
    • Blu-ray Box: TEI-175


DVD / Blu-ray 1[]

  1. Nijusho (二重唱; Duet)
  2. Romance (ロマンス)
  3. Koibitotachi (恋人たち; Sweethearts)
  4. Tokyo Lullaby (東京ららばい)
  5. Amadare (雨だれ; Raindrop)
  6. Tsutsumi Kyohei Medley I (筒美京平メドレーⅠ)
    1. Joyuu (女優; Actress)
    2. Fantasy (ファンタジー)
    3. Sentimental (センチメンタル)
    4. Omoide no Kino Shitade (想い出の樹の下で; Under the Tree of Memories)
    5. Cinderella Honeymoon (シンデレラ・ハネムーン)
  7. Nigai Namida (にがい涙; Bitter Tears) (with Iwasaki Yoshimi)
  8. Sentimental Blue (センチメンタル・ブルー)
  9. Shishuki (思秋期; Puberty)
  10. Sumireiro no Namida (すみれ色の涙; Violet Tears)
  11. Tsutsumi Kyohei Medley II
    1. Sutekina Kimochi (素敵な気持ち; Wonderful Feeling)
    2. Mirai (未来; Future)
    3. Dream (ドリーム)
    4. ‎Kiri no Meguri Ai (霧のめぐり逢い; Mist Encounter)
    5. Papillon (パピヨン)
    6. Watashitachi (私たち; We)
  12. Tsukimisou (月見草; Evening Primrose)
  13. Nokoshitai Hana ni Tsuite (残したい花について; Concerning the Flowers I Want to Keep)
  14. Inochi no Riyu (いのちの理由; Reason to Life)
  15. Seibo Tachi no Lullaby (聖母たちのララバイ; Madonna's Lullaby)
  16. Jinsei no Okurimono (人生の贈り物; The Gift of Life)
  17. Taiyou ga Waratteru (太陽が笑ってる; The Sun is Smiling)

DVD / Blu-ray 2[]

  1. Documentary Eizou (ドキュメンタリー映像; Documentary Video)

CD 1[]

  1. Nijusho
  2. Romance
  3. Koibitotachi
  4. Tokyo Lullaby
  5. Amadare
  6. Tsutsumi Kyohei Medley I
    1. Joyuu
    2. Fantasy
    3. Sentimental
    4. Omoide no Kino Shitade
    5. Cinderella Honeymoon
  7. Nigai Namida (にがい涙; Bitter Tears) (with [wasaki Yoshimi)
  8. Sentimental Blue

CD 2[]

  1. Shishuki
  2. Sumireiro no Namida
  3. Tsutsumi Kyohei Medley II
    1. Sutekina Kimochi
    2. Mirai
    3. Dream
    4. ‎Kiri no Meguri Ai
    5. Papillon
    6. Watashitachi
  4. Tsukimisou
  5. Nokoshitai Hana ni Tsuite
  6. Inochi no Riyu
  7. Seibo Tachi no Lullaby
  8. Jinsei no Okurimono
  9. Taiyou ga Waratteru