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Jpop Wiki

Hana Zukan is the third album released by Yakushimaru Hiroko.


  1. Hana no Sasayaki (花のささやき)
  2. 100 Tsubu no Namida (100粒の涙)
  3. Rose Tea wa Ikaga? (ローズ・ティーはいかが?)
  4. Kantsubaki, Saita (寒椿、咲いた)
  5. Kurenai Hana, Aoi Hana (紅い花、青い花)
  6. Mugiwara Boushi no Anne (麦わら帽子のアン)
  7. Toumei na Tulip (透明なチューリップ)
  8. Murasaki no Hanabi (紫の花火)
  9. Kanashimi no Tane (哀しみの種)
  10. Kaguya no Sato (かぐやの里)