Higeki no Heroine Syndrome or Higeki no Heroine Shoukougun (悲撃のヒロイン症候群) was a seven-member Japanese idol group originally formed with five members in December 2018.
They held their debut performance on February 19, 2019 @Shinjuku BLAZE.
They were a part of the combined group HEROINES.
On April 23, 2021, it was announced that the group would be disbanding on the same day.[1]
- Shirayuki Himeno (白雪姫乃; White) (Founding Member; Currently in twinpale and GILTYxGILTY)
- Aoi Kanau (蒼井叶; Blue) (Founding Member; Currently in twinpale and GILTYxGILTY)
- Yayoi Yamu (夜宵やむ; Purple) (Founding Member; Currently in AdamLilith)
- Kurumi Toa (胡桃兎愛; Pink) (Founding Member; Currently in GAGAPIERO)
- Noichigo Mikuru (野苺みくる; Red) (Founding Member)
- Kagono Mea (籠乃めあ; Green) (Joined March 10, 2019)
- Tsukumo Miko (月雲巫女; Yellow) (Joined October 7, 2019)
Sister Groups[]
Collaboration Albums[]
- [2020.01.14] Ubiquity ~Konosaki mo Issho ni Ayunde Ikou ne~ (ユビキリ~この先も一緒に歩んで行こうね~; Ubiquity ~Let's Walk Together in the Future~)
- [2019.08.06] Silent Cry / REVENGER (サイレントクライ / REVENGER)
Video Releases[]
- [2019.12.18] mercy killing
- All of the members run YouTube channels with another member with the exception of Ichigo Mikuru, who runs AzuMiku Channel (あずみくちゃんねる) with Onodera Azusa of Masshiro na Canvas.
- Kurumi Toa and Tsukumo Miko run Tsuki Usa Channel (つきうさチャンネル).
- Yayoi Yamu and Kagono Mea run Nightmea Union (夜めあ連合).
- Shirayuki Himeno and Kanau Aoi ran Kanau and Himeno (叶と姫乃), which later became twinpale's official channel.