Hito Koi Shikute is the 12th album released by Minami Saori.
It was released on December 5, 1975.
Album Information[]
- Catalog Number:
- Vinyl: SOLL-194
- Cassette: SKLB-75
- CD: SRCL-2893
- Lyrics:
- Track 1, 9, and 12: Ishizaka Masao (石坂まさを)
- Track 2, 5, and 8: Ochiai Keiko (落合恵子)
- Track 3, 6, and 11: Nakasato Tsuzuru (中里綴)
- Track 4, 7, and 10: Arima Mieko (有馬三恵子)
- Composition:
- Track 1, 9, and 12: Godai Yoko (五大洋光)
- Track 2, 5, and 8: Tsutsumi Kyohei (筒美京平)
- Track 3, 6, and 11: Tayama Masamitsu (田山雅充)
- Track 4, 7, and 10: Kawaguchi Makoto (川口真)
- Arrangement:
- Track 1, 3, 6, 9, 11, and 12: Mizutani Kimio (水谷公生)
- Track 2, 5, and 8: Hayashi Tetsuji (林哲司)
- Track 4 and 7: Hagita Mitsuo (萩田光雄)
- Track 10: Kawaguchi Makoto
- Kanashimi no Ie (哀しみの家; House of Sorrow)
- Hito Nemuri (ひとねむり; A Nap)
- Mado Akari (窓灯り; Window Light)
- Asaichi no Tatsu Machi (朝市の立つ町; Town with a Morning Market)
- Omoide no Kakera (想い出のかけら; Fragment of a Memory)
- Hito Koi Shikute (人恋しくて; I Miss People)
- Roppongi (六本木)
- Hisashiburi ne (ひさしぶりね; It's Been a While Huh)
- Shower no Naka de (シャワーの中で; In the Shower)
- Hirugao (昼顔; Japanese Bindweed)
- Hitotsubu no Namida (ひとつぶの涙; A Single Tear)
- Yume wo Kaeshite (夢をかえして; Bring Back My Dream)