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Jpop Wiki

Hitosashi Yubi no Wiper is the second single released by Agatsuma Kayo.

It was released on March 21, 1988.

Single Information[]

  • Catalog Number:
    • Vinyl: 07SH 3027
    • Cassette: 10WH 3027
    • CD: 10EH 3027
    • MEG-CD: MSCL-13579
  • Lyrics: Yaho Chiroru (谷穂ちろる)
  • Composition:
    • Track 1: Izumi Kazuya (和泉一弥)
    • Track 2: Goto Tsugutoshi (後藤次利)
  • Arrangement:
    • Track 1: Nakamura Tetsu (中村哲)
    • Track 2: Goto Tsugutoshi


  1. Hitosashi Yubi no Wiper (ひとさし指のワイパー; Index Finger Wiper)
  2. Natural Tsuushin (ナチュラル通信; Natural Correspondence)


  1. Hitosashi Yubi no Wiper
  2. Hitosashi Yubi no Wiper (Instrumental)
  3. Natural Tsuushin
  4. Natural Tsuushin (Instrumental)