Hoshikawa Ririka (星川りりか), also known as Sugimoto Rima (杉本莉真), is a former seventh-generation member of Seifuku Koujo Iinkai, and it's sub-units, Kotobuki Tai, 4-Nin 1-Kumi and Hellow. She joined in 2000, and remained a member until Seifuku Koujo Iinkai's original dissolution in 2006. Afterwards, she remained a part of SKi Family until around 2008. In the early 2010s, she had a brief modelling career under the name, Sugimoto Rima.
A newsletter published by Seifuku Koujo Iinkai in 2020 revealed that she has since married and is the mother of one child.
- Name: Hoshikawa Ririka (星川りりか)
- Birthday: May 28, 1987 (age 37)
- Zodiac: Gemini
- Height: 163 cm (5 ft 4.1 in)?
- Bloodtype: O
- Seifuku Koujo Iinkai Generation: 7
Discography Featured In[]
Seifuku Koujo Iinkai[]
- [2005.05.01] Riso to Genjitsu(PANTA & Nakagawa Goro with SKi)
- [2006.06.20] For a Life (PANTA & Nakagawa Goro with SKi)
- [2001.02.01] Dai San No Me
- [2001.04.01] SKi Unit-4
- [2002.01.01] MY GENERATION
- [2002.10.01] Ballerina
- [2003.08.01] Sekai Jiyuu America
- [2004.02.01] Kawattenai Wakattenai
- [2005.02.01] Maa Maa
- [2005.05.01] Nihon wo Genki ni Shita Uta
- [2005.11.01] Duet
- [2006.07.25] Sonohi ga Kuru Made
- [2006.12.01] Ikiru Tame Ni
- [2007.02.01] Oshogatsu
- [2007.12.01] GAME
Kotobuki Tai[]
- [2004.04.01] Dosakusa Bunmei Sutakora Bunka