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Jpop Wiki

I've been mellow is the 18th album released by Minami Saori.

It was released on June 1, 1978.

Album Information[]

  • Catalog Number:
    • Vinyl: 25AH-468
    • Cassette: 25KH-322
  • Lyrics:
    • Track 1: Matsumoto Takashi (松本隆)
    • Track 2: Matsutoya Yumi (松任谷由実)
    • Track 3, 5, 7, and 11: Ryu Machiko (竜真知子)
    • Track 4, 6, 8, and 10: Nakasato Tsuzuru (中里綴)
    • Track 9 and 12: Ozaki Ami (尾崎亜美)
  • Composition:
    • Track 1: Kido Kazunari (木戸一成)
    • Track 2: Harada Ryoichi (原田良一)
    • Track 3, 5, 8, and 10: Umegaki Tatsushi (梅垣達志)
    • Track 4, 7, and 11: Makaino Koji (馬飼野康二)
    • Track 6: Tokura Shunichi (都倉俊一)
    • Track 9 and 12: Ozaki Ami
  • Arrangement:
    • Track 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, and 10: Kawamura Eiji (川村栄二)
    • Track 2, 4, 7, and 11: Makaino Koji
    • Track 9 and 12: Ozaki Ami


  1. Ai Naki Sedai (愛なき世代; Loveless Generation)
  2. Midnight Cinderella (ミッドナイト・シンデレラ)
  3. Koibito Tachi no Basho (恋人達の場所; Lovers' Place)
  4. Kanashiki Heroine (悲しきヒロイン; Sad Heroine)
  5. Sotto Kanpai (そっと乾杯; Soft Toast)
  6. Hikishio (引き潮; Ebb Tide)
  7. Kugatsu Episode (九月のエピソード; September Episode)
  8. Saigo no Otoshimono (最後のおとしもの; Last Piece of Lost Property)
  9. Modokashii Yume (もどかしい夢, Frustrating Dream)
  10. Joe no Concert (ジョーのコンサート; Joe Concert)
  11. Encore (アンコール)
  12. Haru no Yokan -I've been mellow- (春の予感 -I've been mellow-; Spring Premonition -I've been mellow-)