Iwasaki Hiromi 40 Shuunen Kanshasai Hikari no Kiseki is the 11th video release released by Iwasaki Hiromi.
It was released on March 2, 2016.
It was recorded on October 10, 2015 @Tokyo International Forum Hall C.
Video Release Information[]
- Catalog Number:
- DVD: TEBI-60378
- Blu-ray: TEXI-64014
- Sumireiro no Namida (すみれ色の涙; Violet Tears)
- Medley 1 (メドレー1)
- Nijusho (二重唱; Duet)
- Romance (ロマンス)
- Sentimental (センチメンタル)
- Fantasy (ファンタジー)
- Mirai (未来; Future)
- Dream (ドリーム)
- Omoide no Kino Shitade (想い出の樹の下で; Under the Tree of Memories)
- Cinderella Honeymoon (シンデレラ・ハネムーン)
- Mangekyou (万華鏡; Kaleidoscope)
- Haru Oboro (春おぼろ; Spring Dusk)
- Medley 2
- Ieji (家路; The Road Home)
- Kesshin (決心; Determination)
- Nettaigyo (熱帯魚; Tropical Fish)
- Lemon (檸檬)
- Hatachi Mae (二十才前; Twenty Years Ago)
- Azayakana Bamen (あざやかな場面; Vivid Scene)
- Seibo Tachi no Lullaby (聖母たちのララバイ; Madonna's Lullaby)
- Inochi no Riyu (いのちの理由; Reason to Life)
- Shishuki (思秋期; Puberty)
- Medley 3
- Shiawase no Kakera (シアワセノカケラ; Fragment of Happiness)
- Suki ni Narazu ni Irarenai (好きにならずにいられない; I Can't Help but Fall in Love with You)
- Joyuu (女優; Actress)
- Natsu ni Dakarete (夏に抱かれて; Embraced by Summer)
- Thank You!
- Papillon (パピヨン)
- Watashitachi (私たち; We)
- Tsukimisou (月見草; Evening Primrose)
- Hikari no Kiseki (光の軌跡; Trail of Light)
- Debut 40 Shuunenkinen Live "Ten Made Hibiku zo Hirorin Festival" Digest (デビュー40周年記念ライブ「天まで響くぞ ヒロリンフェス」ダイジェスト; Debut 40th Anniversary Live "Echoing to the Heavens Hirorin Festival" Digest)
- Hiromi in New York
- Hikari no Kiseki (Video Clip)
- Photo Gallery (フォトギャラリー)