Iwasaki Hiromi LIVE 2009 ~ Thanks is the seventh video release released by Iwasaki Hiromi.
It was released on January 20, 2010.
It was recorded on October 25, 2009 @International Forum.
Video Release Information[]
- Catalog Number:
- DVD: TEBI-60127
- Blu-ray: TEXI-61005
- Umi no Ballad (海のバラード; Ballad of the Sea)
- Kesshin (決心; Determination)
- Wakare no Yokan (別れの予感; Feeling of Parting)
- Aitai (会いたい; I Miss You)
- Hizashi no Naka de (陽射しの中で; In the Sunshine)
- Shiawase no Kakera (シアワセノカケラ; Fragment of Happiness)
- THANKS (Ichigoichie) (THANKS(一五一会))
- It's Too Late
- Ashita (明日; Tomorrow)
- Hajimari no Uta, Anata e (始まりの詩、あなたへ; Beginning Poem, For You)
- Shishuki (思秋期; Puberty)
- Tada Ai no Tame ni Dake (ただ・愛のためにだけ; Simply, Just for Love)
- Original Hit Medley (オリジナル・ヒット・メドレー)
- Cinderella Honeymoon (シンデレラ・ハネムーン)
- Kiri no Meguri Ai (霧のめぐり逢い; Mist Encounter)
- 20 no Koi (20の恋; 20 Love)
- Nettaigyo (熱帯魚; Tropical Fish)
- Omoide no Kino Shitade (想い出の樹の下で; Under the Tree of Memories)
- Hiren Hakusho (悲恋白書; Tragic Love White Paper)
- Dream (ドリーム)
- Romance (ロマンス)
- Soba ni Oite (そばにおいて; Keep it Close)
- Tsukimisou (月見草; Evening Primrose)
- Seibo Tachi no Lullaby (聖母たちのララバイ; Madonna's Lullaby)
- Ashita
- Jinsei no Okurimono ~Hoka ni Nozomu Mono wa Nai~ (人生の贈り物~他に望むものはない~; The Gift of Life ~There's Nothing Else I Want~)
- Hajimari no Uta, Anata e (Video Clip)
- Photo Gallery (フォトギャラリー)