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Jpop Wiki

Iza! Kamakura is the third album released by Kotobuki Tai.


  1. Iza! Kamakura (いざっ! 鎌倉; Lets go! Kamakura)
  2. Nani? Sore? (ナニっ? それっ?; What is it? What is that?)
  3. Oshitsuke no Shitsuke no Tsuke (押しつけの躾のつけ; Imposed discipline)
  4. Haran Manjou (波瀾万丈; The many vicissitudes)
  5. Sonzai no uta (存在の歌; Song of Existence)
  6. Kotobuki Ryozanpaku (寿梁山泊; Longevity mountain stay)
  7. Usotsuki Ondo (嘘つき音頭; The Liar's Ode)
  8. Shikanai (しかない; There is only one)
  9. Ari Ha Shishite Su Wo Nokosu (蟻は死して巣を残す; Ants die and leave a nest)

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