JUNON SUPERBOY ANOTHERS (ジュノン・スーパーボーイ・アナザーズ), also known as JB Anothers (JBアナザーズ), is an all-male music unit and boy group formed on November 23, 2015. The group is signed to the independent label "JUNON SUPERBOY ANOTHERS LABEL", which was established at the same time as the group's formation.[1]
It is the first music unit of the "JUNON SUPERBOY CONTEST", an audition that has produced many famous actors, and the members were selected from those who were chosen as the best 100 in the contest but did not make it to the final round.[2][3]
The group is divided into two teams: TEAM SENIORITY (18 years old or older) and TEAM YOUTH (17 years old or younger), and both teams started with 12 members each, for a total of 24.[4][5] In addition, there is a 2nd generation, TEAM CADET, which started out as candidates, a 3rd generation, MIDWEST, which is mainly based in the central Kansai area, and a 4th generation, MIDDLE.
While the group is active in live events and media appearances, it is also a project aimed at discovering and nurturing talent, with the aim of debuting as CD artists and actors through various projects in which members compete with each other.
Current Members[]
- Hagie Maki (流合 真樹)
- Ishibashi Hiroki (石橋 宏輝)
- Suzuki Eiki (鈴木 栄響)
- Takii Fuma (瀧井 楓馬)
- Watanabe Takaki (渡邉 駿輝)
- Eitsuka Hyosei (永塚 彪聖)
- Yamamura Rui (山村 瑠偉)
Former Members[]
- Morishita Takumi (森下 拓実) (Graduated in February 2017)
- Tanaka Nachi (田中 那智) (Graduated in May 2017)
- Kawabe Hayato (河辺 隼門) (Graduated in August 2017)
- Nishikawa Hiroki (西川 拓毅) (Graduated in September 2018)
- Hayashi Yuichirou (林 裕一朗) (Graduated in October 2018)
- Urasaki Ukyo (浦崎 右京) (Graduated in December 2018)
- Zaizen Yuichi (財前 優一) (Graduated in October 2019)
- Kubota Kouki (久保田 幸貴) (Graduation date unknown)
- Takatsu Kazuki (高津 一樹) (Graduation date unknown)
- Wakana Genki (若菜 元貴) (Graduated in April 2020)
- Wada Shogo (和田 将吾) (Graduated in April 2021)
- Maejima You (前嶋 曜) (Graduated in October 2021)
- Ookoshi Seigo (大越 晴護) (Graduated in July 2017)
- Taniguchi Yuuki (谷口 夢夕希) (Not listed in the member list after the official website was updated on November 26, 2017)
- Koyama Shun (小山 峻) (Not listed in the member list after the official website was updated on November 25, 2018)
- Fujii Rikuya (藤井 陸也) (Not listed in the member list after the official website was updated on November 25, 2018)
- Kuroda Ayumu (黒田 歩夢) (Graduation date unknown, not listed in the member list of the official website on September 24, 2020)
- Yonemaru Hinata (米丸 日向) (Graduation date unknown)
- Sato Hayate (佐藤 颯) (Graduated in April 2021)
- Ooka Taizo (大岡 泰三) (Graduated in May 2021)
- Nishihara Ryuhei (西原 竜平) (Graduated on January 31, 2022)
- Sugiyama Mahiro (杉山 真宏) (Graduated on March 31, 2022)
- Ijichi Raito (伊地智 頼統) (Graduated on May 31, 2022)
- Tsutsui Takeru (筒井 健) (Not listed in the member list after the official website was updated on November 26, 2017)
- Tokunaga Yamato (徳永 大翔) (Not listed in the member list after the official website was updated on November 26, 2017)
- Numata Akihiro (沼田 鏡広) (Not listed in the member list after the official website was updated on November 26, 2017)
- Takahashi Kaito (髙橋 海斗) (Not listed in the member list after the official website was updated on November 25, 2018)
- Osada Masahide (長田 真英) (Graduated in December 2019)
- Kawano Haruhi (河野 晴日) (Graduated in March 2020)
- Koyama Ryuga (小山 龍雅) (Graduation date unknown)
- Oshima Kai (大島 海) (Graduated in April 2021)
- Nakajima Takuto (中島 拓人) (Graduated in June 2021)
- Kusakabe Reiya (日下部 玲弥) (Candidate, didn't make it into the group)
- Sato Manato (佐藤 愛斗) (Candidate, didn't make it into the group)
- Nagao Motofumi (長尾 基史) (Candidate, didn't make it into the group)
- Kariyama Hinata (狩山 陽太) (Not listed in the member list after the official website was updated on November 25, 2018)
- Shimoyama Rin (下山 凜) (Not listed in the member list after the official website was updated on November 25, 2018)
- Fujino Reito (藤野 玲叶) (Not listed in the member list after the official website was updated on November 25, 2018)
- Nasukawa Shota (名須川 将太) (Graduated in March 2019)
- Sakai Takumu (酒井 拓武) (Graduated in November 2019)
- Sato Seiya (佐藤 晴哉) (Graduation date unknown)
- Inaba Kanshi (稲葉 貫志) (Graduation date unknown)
- Inoue Masataka (井上 雅大佳) (Graduation date unknown)
- Tahara Sota (田原 颯大) (Graduated in April 2020)
- Kume Shuya (久米 柊矢) (Graduation date unknown)
- Nakamura Kein (中村 圭允) (Graduation date unknown)
- Nagahashi Hideyuki (長橋 秀行) (Graduation date unknown)
- [2018.07.31] Road to Union
- [2020.03.31] oneself (M Card)
Digital Singles[]
- [2018.05.30] Unnostalgia
Video Releases[]
- [2019.03.07] Imitation Love (イミテーションラブ)
- Many of the members have a background or career as an older or younger brother of an idol, a College Mr. contest winner, or a J-League youth.[4]
- After the 12 candidates joined the team, the 24 members at the time of its formation became known as the "1st generation". The division of teams by age into TEAM SENIORITY (18 years old or older) and TEAM YOUTH (17 years old or younger) is at the time of formation, and not a system where Youth members also move to Seniority when they turn 18.
- 9 of the candidates officially joined the group as TEAM CADET at the Sendai concert of the group's national tour on February 18, 2017.
- The official website was updated at the same time as the 12 MIDWEST members were unveiled at the final round of the 30th contest on November 26, 2017, and the members who were not listed in the member list were moved to the former members section.