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Jounouchi Sanae Best Album ~Mame Zakura~ is the 11th best album released by Jounouchi Sanae.

It was released on December 13, 2017.

Best Album Information[]

  • Catalog Number: TECE-3480
  • Lyrics:
    • Track 1, 3, 5, 7, and 11-15: Kitajo Makoto (喜多條忠)
    • Track 2: Uchida Rima (内田りま)
    • Track 4: Akimoto Yasushi (秋元康)
    • Track 6: Komiya Masahito (小宮正人)
    • Track 8: Yoshiya Jun (吉屋潤)
    • Track 9: Taka Takashi (たかたかし)
    • Track 10: Araki Toyohisa (荒木とよひさ)
  • Composition:
  • Lyrics:
    • Track 1 and 7: Oka Chiaki (岡千秋)
    • Track 2: Michi Ayumu (みちあゆむ)
    • Track 3, 11, 12, and 15: Gen Tatsuya (弦哲也)
    • Track 4: Mitake Akira (見岳章)
    • Track 5, 13, and 14: Tao Masami (田尾将実)
    • Track 6: Nanbu Naoto (南部直登)
    • Track 8: Yoshiya Jun
    • Track 9: Iwaku Shigeru (岩久茂)
    • Track 10: Miki Takashi (三木たかし)
  • Arrangement:
  • Lyrics 1 and 7: Tsuta Masakane (蔦将包)
    • Track 2, 3, and 6: Maeda Toshiaki (前田俊明)
    • Track 4 and 14: Wakakusa Kei (若草恵)
    • Track 5, 11, 13, and 15: Nangou Tatsuya (南郷達也)
    • Track 8 and 9: Suzuki Gou (鈴木豪)
    • Track 10: Yano Tatsumi (矢野立美)
    • Track 12: Koji Ryuzaki (竜崎孝路)


  1. Mame Zakura (豆桜; Fuji Cherry)
  2. Ochoko Tsuru (おちょこ鶴; Little Crane)
  3. Matsuyama Shigure (松山しぐれ; Matsuyama Drizzle)
  4. Ajisai Bashi New Version (あじさい橋 ニューバージョン; Hydrangea Bridge New Version)
  5. Tooi Hanabi (遠い花火; Fireworks in the Distance)
  6. Nanatsu Bashi Watari (七つ橋渡り; Crossing Seven Bridges)
  7. Kiga Tsukeba Itsudemo Yuuhi (気がつけばいつでも夕陽; If You Notice It, the Setting Sun is Always There)
  8. Betsuri (別離; Parting)
  9. Shiawase Misaki (しあわせ岬; Cape Happiness)
  10. Kuukou Monogatari (空港物語; Airport Tale)
  11. Shirasagi no Yado (白鷺の宿; Egret Dwelling)
  12. Sado Enka (佐渡炎歌; Sado Flame Song)
  13. Nishimonai Bon Uta (西馬音内 盆唄)
  14. Naki Suna Umi Kaze (泣き砂 海風; Weeping Sand Sea Breeze)
  15. Kyoto Yakyoku (京都夜曲; Kyoto Nocturne) (w/ Yamamoto George)



External Links[]
