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Jpop Wiki

Kaizoku Musume is the eleventh album released by Seifuku Koujo Iinkai.

A number of songs on the album are self-covers of past songs with new lyrics, including:


  1. Sushi-ya no Master
  2. kori!kori!KATA kori!
  3. Shin Koi no Invitation (新・恋のインビテーション; New Love Invitation)
  4. Nande Nandedesu ka? (なんでなんでですか?; Why why why?)
  5. Akutou Singer (悪党シンガー; Badass Singer)
  6. Ooka (桜歌; Cherry Blossom Song)
  7. Nurse no Oshigoto (ナースのお仕事; Nurses at work)
  8. good day
  9. Indies Party '95 (インディーズ・パーティ'95)
  10. Indies Party '95 (インディーズ・パーティ'96)
  11. Suki Demo Kiraina Koi Monogatari (好きでも嫌いな恋物語; The love story you love but hate)
  12. Virgin Lips (バージンリップス)
  14. Haru ni Nareba (春になれば; When spring comes)
  15. Itsu Datte (いつだって; As Always)
  16. Tanoshii Bus Tour (楽しいバスツアー; Fun bus tour)
  17. Ai wa Hageshiku (愛は激しく; Love is fierce)
  18. Hanakuso MAN ga Iku
  19. Uchira Youkina Kaizoku Musume
  20. Godzilla Sofa Milled (ゴジラソファミレド)

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