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Jpop Wiki

Kawashima Naomi (川島なお美) was an actress and singer.

She passed away from bile duct cancer on September 24, 2015.



  1. [1982.06.01] HELLO!
  2. [1982.12.01] SO LONG
  3. [1983.07.21] Shower no Ato de (シャワーのあとで)
  4. [1984.03.01] Mi・Rai・Jin (未・来・人)
  5. [1984.09.29] Ginmaku no Heroine (銀幕のヒロイン)
  6. [1985.03.30] SCOOOP!
  7. [1986.04.23] TOKIO APPLAUSE

Best Albums[]

  1. [1983.11.01] NAOMI COLLECTION
  2. [1986.12.20] CD Best Now (CD ベストナウ)
  3. [1989.08.xx] Cassette Best Now (カセット ベストナウ)
  4. [1993.12.22] Kawashima Naomi Best Album W (川島なお美 ベスト・アルバム W)
  5. [2015.12.23] Kawashima Naomi Best Album "W" Memorial Edition (川島なお美 ベスト・アルバム “W”メモリアル・エディション)
  6. [2003.06.25] GOLDEN☆BEST Kawashima Naomi (GOLDEN☆BEST 川島なお美)
  7. [2005.08.24] NEW BEST 1500


  1. [1979.04.21] Champagne No.5 (シャンペンNo.5)
  2. [1981.05.05] Honeymoon (ハネムーン)
  3. [1982.03.21] Itoshi no Mandolino (愛しのマンドリーノ)
  4. [1982.08.21] Love Me Tight (ラヴ・ミー・タイト)
  5. [1983.01.21] Ash Wednesday
  6. [1983.07.01] GEMINI
  7. [1984.02.01] Namida Copacabana (涙・コパカバーナ)
  8. [1984.08.18] Omoide no Big Wednesday (想い出のビッグ・ウェンズデイ)
  9. [1986.03.31] BE BOP CRAZY
  10. [1997.10.22] Namida no Umi (涙の海)
  11. [1998.05.08] Bara no Hana Midara (薔薇の花みだら)
  12. [2009.06.24] Actrice


  • She married pastry chef Yoroizuka Toshihiko on February 1, 2009.

External Links[]
