Kazari Janai no yo Namida wa is the 10th single released by Nakamori Akina.
It was released on November 14, 1984. The song marks the first song released after Nakamori fully gave up her idol image.
Single Information[]
- Catalog Number:
- Vinyl: L-1666
- 8cm CD: 10SL-139
- Cassette: 10L5-4049
- CD: WPC6-866
- Lyrics:
- Track 1: Inoue Yosui (井上陽水)
- Track 2: Matsui Goro (松井五郎)
- Composition: Inoue Yosui
- Arrangement: Hagita Mitsuo (萩田光雄)
- Kazari Janai no yo Namida wa (飾りじゃないのよ涙は; Tears Aren't for Decoration)
- Moonlight Letter (ムーンライト・レター)