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Ketteihan Natsuki Mari 2010 is the 26th best album released by Natsuki Mari.

It was released on December 9, 2009.

Best Album Information[]

  • Catalog Number: KICX-3786


  1. Kinu no Kutsushita (絹の靴下; Silk Socks)
  2. Biyaku (媚薬; Aphrodisiac)
  3. Hadashi no Joou (裸足の女王; Barefoot Queen)
  4. Ote Yawaraka ni (お手やわらかに; Please Go Easy on Me)
  5. Natsu no Sei Kashira (夏のせいかしら; Maybe it's Because of Summer)
  6. Suna no Onna (砂の女; Sand Woman)
  7. Sorekara Dou Suru no (それからどうするの; Then What)
  8. Glass no Kizuna (ガラスの絆; Glass Bond)
  9. Gokai wa Toite (誤解はといて; Clear Any Misunderstandings)
  10. Aijin Domari (愛人どまり; No Longer a Mistress)
  11. Satin no Yoru (サテンの夜; Satin Night)
  12. Natsu no Yoake wa Kanashii no (夏の夜明けは悲しいの; Dawn of Summer is Sad)
  13. Kanashimi Jouzu (悲しみ上手; Good at Sadness)
  14. Kore Shikanai no Desu (これしかないのです; This is the Only Option)
  15. Chinatown (チャイナタウン)
  16. Mango no Ki no Shita de (マンゴの木の下で; Under the Mango Tree)
  17. Aijou no Shunkan (愛情の瞬間; Moment of Love)
  18. Yasei no Onna (野生の女; Wild Woman)
  19. Watashi no Honne (わたしの本音; My True Feelings)
  20. Niagara (ナイアガラ)