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Jpop Wiki

Kido Reona (木戸怜緒奈) is a former member of Star☆T. She was the leader of Team Venus.

She joined the group in May 2013 with the 3rd Generation and resigned on November 28, 2015.

She returned for a limited time from December 26, 2016 until August 5, 2017.


  • Catchphrase: Motto is ichi-go ichi-e (座右の銘は一期一会)
  • Hobbies: Swimming
  • Skills: Dance
  • Favorite Foods: Tofu, Umaibo corn potage
  • Favorite Artists/Talents: Yamamoto Maika, Maeda Nozomi
  • Charm Point: Eyes
  • Personality: Constantly gentle, hates to lose
  • Future Dream: Perform at Budoukan!
  • Dream for 1 Year From Now: One-man at Zepp Tokyo
  • Once the Goal is Reached: Perform acrobatics at a one-man live
  • Toyota Recommendation: Korankei
  • Message: I'll become an idol who won't lose to anyone!! I'm aiming for a major debut so please support me a lot


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