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Kikuchi Fuma (菊池風磨) is a male singer, actor, talent, and idol from Tokyo. He is affiliated with SMILE-UP and is a member of Sexy Zone. His member color is purple.


  • He longed for ARASHI and entered Johnny's Office on April 27, 2008 in his second year of junior high school.[3] He submitted his resume by himself because he was half-finished with everything, including club activities, and wanted something he could devote himself to, and because he wanted to sing.[4] The first time he was called, the fax machine was broken so he was unable to go without noticing, but a week later he was contacted again and was admitted after auditioning.[5]
  • He was active as a member of Johnny's Jr.'s unit "B.I.Shadow", which was formed in 2008, but on June 4, 2009, Nakayama Yuma joined the unit, and along with the formation of Nakayama Yuma w/ B.I.Shadow, their CD debut was announced.[6][7] Three days later, on June 7, Nakayama Yuma w/ B.I.Shadow and Yamada Ryosuke and Chinen Yuri of Hey! Say! JUMP combined to form "NYC boys".[8] They served as special supporters of the Women's Volleyball World Grand Prix 2009 held in August.[9]
  • On July 15, 2009, Nakayama Yuma w/ B.I.Shadow and a member of NYC boys made their CD debut with the double A-side single "Akuma na Koi / NYC".
  • On September 29, 2011, along with the formation of Sexy Zone, their CD debut was announced, and their debut single "Sexy Zone" was released on November 16.[3]
  • On February 9, 2013, he announced that he had passed the AO entrance examination to Keio University's Faculty of Policy Management with a letter of recommendation from President Johnny.[10]
  • On August 2 to 5, 2015, he held his first solo concert at "Sexy Zone A.B.C-Z Summer Paradise in TDC".[11][12]
  • On March 23, 2017, he was announced to have graduated from Keio University.[13]


Recorded solo songs[]

  • [2012.11.14] "rouge" from the album one Sexy Zone
  • [2013.10.09] "FaKe" from the single "Bye Bye Dubai 〜See you again〜 / A MY GIRL FRIEND"
  • [2014.10.01] "It's Going Down!" from the single "Otoko never give up"
  • [2015.03.11] "20 -Tw/Nty-" from the album Sexy Power3
  • [2015.03.11] "Party up!" from the album Sexy Power3
  • [2015.07.01] "My Lovin' Season" from the single "Cha-Cha-Cha Champion"
  • [2015.12.16] "Hello" from the single "Colorful Eyes"
  • [2016.02.24] "But..." from the album Welcome to Sexy Zone
  • [2016.11.16] "...more" from the album Sexy Zone 5th Anniversary Best
  • [2017.09.06] "My Life" from the DVD & Blu-ray Sexy Zone Presents Sexy Tour 2017〜STAGE
  • [2019.03.13] "Cocoa" from the album PAGES
  • [2020.02.05] "HAPPY END" from the album POP×STEP!?
  • [2023.06.07] "My World" from the album Chapter II

Unrecorded solo songs[]

Discography Featured In[]

See also: Sexy Zone Discography


  • Sexy Zone A.B.C-Z Summer Paradise in TDC "風 is a Doll?" on August 2-5, 2015 at the Tokyo Dome City Hall
  • Summer Paradise 2016 "風 are you?" on August 11-16, 2016 at the Tokyo Dome City Hall
  • Summer Paradise 2017 "風 is I?" on August 4-8, 2017 at the Tokyo Dome City Hall


  • His father is Kikuchi Tsunetoshi, a singer-songwriter who wrote the lyrics for ARASHI's debut song "A・RA・SHI".[15] When Kikuchi entered the office, he remained silent about his father, so he was scolded by President Johnny Kitagawa, who later learned the truth.[15]
  • He has a brother 9 years younger and a sister 12 years younger.[16]



  1. Hey! Say! JUMP山田涼介、自身の出身地について言及
  2. “【ヒューマン】セクゾ菊池風磨×ストーンズ田中樹、同期スペシャル対談前編!ファン待望ドリームデュオ結成も!?(3/3ページ)”
  3. 3.0 3.1 セクシーさ売りにジャニーズに新ユニット
  4. Sexy Zone菊池風磨、初主演連ドラは出演者一人だけ「責任の渋滞がすごい」
  5. “菊池風磨、田中樹はSnowManが「怖かった」”
  6. 菊池風磨、二宮和也から受けた影響を語る「僕をここまでうるさくしたのは二宮くん」
  7. “優馬ら5人でジャニーズ最年少グループ”
  8. ジャニーズ新ユニット結成、KAT-TUN田中聖も太鼓判
  9. 女子バレーボールワールドグランプリ2009
  10. “セクゾン菊池慶大合格!ジャニー氏推薦文”
  11. Sexy Zone菊池風磨がソロ公演「最高!毎回泣きそうになりました」
  12. “セクゾ菊池風磨 初のソロ公演打ち上げ「最高!」”
  13. Sexy Zoneの勢いが止まらない!個々の活躍でグループに貢献なるか デビュー6年目の快進撃
  14. Sexy Zone菊池風磨&SixTONES田中樹「DREAM BOYS」公演映像公開にファン歓喜
  15. 15.0 15.1 “セクゾ・菊池風磨、父が嵐デビュー曲を作詞したことを黙っていて「ジャニーさんに怒られた」”
  16. Sexy Zone菊池風磨が明かしたジャニー喜多川さんの言葉「風磨のことがすごく心配だ」に反響 「こっちまで涙が…」

External Links[]
