Kobayashi Chie (小林千絵) is a Japanese talento, and former actress and idol singer.
- [1983.03.21] Itsumo Kataomoi (いつも片想い)
- [1983.06.21] Zutto RHAPSODY (ずっとラプソディ)
- [1983.09.21] Mizu-iro no Kachusha (水色のカチューシャ)
- [1984.01.21] LOVE WITH YOU ~Ai no PRESENT~ (LOVE WITH YOU ~愛のプレゼント~)
- [1984.05.21] Chiguhagu KISS (ちぐはぐキッス)
- [1985.05.21] HOTEL OSAKA (ホテルOSAKA)
- [1986.07.21] Kimagure MY LOVE (気まぐれマイ・ラブ)
- [1988.10.05] Tsuyo gari (つよがり)
- [1991.06.21] Story (ストーリ)
- [1995.03.17] Koi ni Odoreba (恋に踊れば)
Collaboration Single[]
- [1984.09.21] Ojisan no kimochi mo Shiranaide (おじさんの気持も知らないで) (With Nishikawa Norio)
Studio Album[]
- [1983.10.21] NAMIDA★GIRL (涙★GIRL)
Best Hits Albums[]
- [2002.06.19] My Kore! Kushon Kobayashi Chie BEST (Myこれ! クション小林千絵BEST)
- [2008.07.16] NAMIDA★GIRL + Single Collection (涙★GIRL + シングル・コレクション)
- [2010.05.19] My Kore! Lite Kobayashi Chie (Myこれ! Lite小林千絵)