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Kotobuki 18-Ban Shobu is the first album released by Kotobuki Tai.


  1. Senjumin No Uta (先住民の歌; Indigenous Song)
  2. 15-Byo no Ai (15秒の愛; 15 seconds of love)
  3. Naze? Naze? (何故?なぜ?; Why? Why?)
  4. Soratobu Kakumei (空飛ぶ革命; Flying Revolution)
  5. Seigi No Mikata! Kotobukitai (正義の味方! 寿隊; The side of justice! Longevity Team)
  6. Maboroshi No Kogun (幻の皇軍; The Phantom Imperial Army)
  7. Omoide No Mabuta (思い出の瞼; Eyelids of memories)
  8. Taicho No Hirune (隊長の昼寝; Captain's nap)
  9. Daruma-san ga Koronda (達磨さんが転んだ; Daruma fell down)
  10. Sansei? Hantai? Sansei Uhoo (Ame)! (賛成? 反対? 酸性Uhoo(雨)!; For? Against? Acid Uhoo (Rain)!)
  11. Tokage No Tamashii 100 Made (蜥蜴の魂 百まで; The soul of a lizard up to a hundred)
  12. Yonimo Fushigi Na Tsuru To Kame No Monogatari -Tsurukameju- (世にも不思議な鶴と亀との物語 “鶴・亀・寿; The story of a crane and a turtle)
  13. Tatta Ichido No SOS ! Penguin Monogatari (たった一度のSOS! ペンギン物語; Only one SOS! A Penguin Story)
  14. Chiisai Zou (小さい象; The little elephant)
  15. Kotobuki Hakkenden (寿八犬伝)
  16. Ikita Kiseki Ha Tenen Kaseki (生きた軌跡は天然化石; Living tracks are natural fossils)
  17. Kujira Ha Umi No Osama (クジラは海の王様; The whale is the king of the sea)
  18. Edomae Sushi ~Ningen Nante~ (江戸前寿司~人間なんて~; Edomae Sushi - What a human being!)

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