Kubota Miyu (久保田未夢) is an idol, a singer, an actress and a voice actress under 81 Produce.
She is a founding member of voice actress-idol group, i☆Ris.
She is a founding cast member of HY:RAIN as Karabayashi Itoha, a part of the mixed media project Shine Post.
She is also a founding cast member of Nijigasaki High School Idol Club and its sub-unit DiverDiva as Asaka Karin, a part of the mixed media project Love Live!.
- Special Skill: Scuba dive
- Hobby: Watching anime
- Charm Point: Black eyes
- Favorite Anime: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
- Favorite Anime Song: SOS team / "Synopsis ever"
- Dream: Being on the covers of a lot of seiyuu's magazines
- Member Color:
- Orange (i☆Ris)
- Royal Blue (Nijigaku, DiverDiva)
- Red (HY:RAIN)
Discography Featured In[]
- We are i☆Ris!!!
- Th!s !s i☆Ris!!
- PriPara☆Musical Collection season.2 DX (プリパラ☆ミュージックコレクション season.2 DX)
- Gekijō-ban PriPara mi ~ n nade kagayake! Kirarin ☆ Star Live! SONG COLLECTION (劇場版プリパラ み~んなでかがやけ!キラリン☆スターライブ! SONG COLLECTION)
Mini Albums[]
- Cover☆Ris
- PriPara Idol Songs♪ Collection by SoLaMi♡SMILE
- PriPara Idol Songs♪ Collection by SoLaMi♡SMILE & Faruru (プリパラ アイドルソングコレクションbySoLaMi♡SMILE&ファルル)
- PriPara Idol Songs♪ Collection by SoLa♡Ageddon Mi (プリパラ アイドルソングコレクションbyそらマゲドン・み)
- PriPara Dream Song ♪ Collection DX -WINTER- (プリパラドリームソング♪コレクションDXの-WINTER-)
- 2013
- A customer in Pretty Rhythm: Rainbow Live
- Uketsuke Musume in Haiyore! Nyaruko-san W
- A clerk in Haiyore! Nyaruko-san W
- 2014
- Samatha in Battle Spirits: Saikyou Ginga Ultimate Zero
- Torte in Dragon Collection
- Houjou Sophy in PriPara seaon 1
- 2015
- Houjou Sophy in PriPara Movie: Mi~nna Atsumare! Prism☆Tours
- Bessho Kojika in Urawa no Usagi-chan
- Houjou Sophy in PriPara seaon 2
- Houjou Sophy in Tobidasu PriPara: Mi~nna de Mezase! Idol☆Grand Prix
- 2016
- Kido Ayumi in Fantasia Stella
- Houjou Sophy in PriPara Movie: Mi~nna no Akogare♪ Let's Go☆Prix Paris
- Houjou Sophy in PriPara seaon 3
- 2017
- Houjou Sophy in Idol Time PriPara
- Hana in Idol Time PriPara
- Sister Lily in Black Clover
- 2018
- Moegi Emo in Kiratto Pri☆chan
- Medusa in Jashin-chan Dropkick
- March 12: 10th Seiyuu Wards as Best Musical Performance (with other i☆Ris members)