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Jpop Wiki

Kyou Made Soshite Ashita Kara is the first best album released by Nakayama Shinobu.

It was released on January 1, 1991.

Best Album Information[]

  • Catalog Number: CSCL 1623


  1. Chiisana Kesshin (小さな決心; Small Decision)
  2. Namida, Tomare! (涙、止まれ!; Tears, Stop!)
  3. Makenaide, Yuuki (負けないで、勇気; Don't Give Up, Courage)
  4. Koi wa Otogibanashi Janai (恋はお伽噺じゃない; Love is Not a Fairy Tale)
  5. Natsu ni Koisuru AWATENBO (夏に恋するAWATENBO; A Hasty Person in Love With Summer)
  6. Kakete Kita Otome (駈けてきた処女; The Girl Who Ran)
  7. Hitomi wo Tojireba (瞳を閉じれば; If You Close Your Eyes)
  8. Hikari no Opera (光のオペラ; Opera of Light)
  9. Hakoiri Musume no Nageki (箱入り娘の嘆き; Lament of a Girl in a Box)
  10. Hotaru (ホタル; Firefly)
  11. Hana wa Doko ni Aru no? (花は何処にあるの?; Where are the Flowers?)
  12. Chiisana Kesshin