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Live Tour Aroma of happiness -2011.12.25 at SHIBUYA-AX- is the 2nd video release of Imai Asami.


This release covers Imai Asami's live performance at Tokyo Shibuya-AX live house on December 25th, 2011, which is part of her live tour "Aroma of happiness".
Bonus Tour Making video shows backstage documentary of Tokyo performance.
Bonus Tour Digest Video shows parts of other tour performances in Yokohama, Kyoto, Osaka and Fukuoka.

  • Catalog Number:
    • ANSB-56060 (DVD Edition)
    • ANSX-56060 (Blu-ray Edition)


  3. Kissing a dream
  4. MC
  5. Omoi no Hane ~Angelic White~ (想いの羽根~Angelic White~)
  6. MC
  7. Umi to Sora to Kimi to (海と空と君と)
  8. Hana no Saku Basho (花の咲く場所)
  9. Frame Goshi no Koi (フレーム越しの恋)
  10. Yume no Mahoroba (夢のMAHOROBA)
  11. Sayonara (サ・ヨ・ナ・ラ)
  12. MC
  13. Kiyoshiko no Yoru (きよしこの夜)
  14. Akahana no Tonakai (赤鼻のトナカイ)
  15. Lupine Sansei no Theme 1978 (ルパン三世のテーマ1978(作曲:大野 雄二 (C)1978 by NIPPON TELEVISION MUSIC CORPORATION))
  16. Setsugen no Karma ~Snow Storm~ (雪原のカルマ~Snow Storm~)
  17. MC ~Band member introduction~ (~バンドメンバー紹介~)
  18. Shining Blue Rain
  19. Faraway ~Saigo no Yume~ (Faraway~最後の夢~)
  20. MC ~Dancer introduction~ (~ダンサー紹介~)
  21. Promised Land
  22. MC
  23. Enrai (遠雷)
  24. MC
  25. Aroma of happiness
  26. MC
  27. The Azure ~Ao no Kioku~ (The Azure~碧の記憶~)
  28. Strawberry ~Amaku Setsunai Namida~ (Strawberry~甘く切ない涙~)
  29. MC
  30. Issho. (いっしょ。)
  31. ENDING
  32. Tour Making (Bonus Track)
  33. Tour Digest (Bonus Track)