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Jpop Wiki

MITA HIROKO BEST SELECTION is the first best album released by Mita Hiroko.

It was released on November 1, 1983.

Best Album Information[]

  • Catalog Number: 28KH 1384


  1. Nogiku Ichirin (野菊いちりん; A Single Wild Chrysanthemum)
  2. Hatsukoi (初恋; First Love)
  3. Aki Kaze Melancholy (秋風メランコリー; Autumn Breeze Melancholy)
  4. Naze Desu ka (何故ですか; Why is That)
  5. Casanova Samba (カサノヴァ・サンバ)
  6. Lemon Sensation (レモン・センセーション)
  7. Irozuku Machi (色づく街; Color Changing Town)
  8. Kakete Kita Otome (駈けてきた処女; The Girl Who Ran)
  9. Natsu no Shizuku (夏の雫; Summer Drops)
  10. Pink Shadow (ピンク・シャドウ)
  11. Kisetsu no Fantasy (季節のファンタジー; Seasonal Fantasy)
  12. Futari Pocchi Monogatari (ふたりぽっち物語; Lonely Story)
  13. 12 Tsuki no Decrescendo (12月のデクレッシェンド; December Decrescendo)
  14. Hitoripocchi no Sotsugyoushiki (ひとりぽっちの卒業式; Lonely Graduation Ceremony)