MY toybox is a best album released by Kitagawa Rie. It is composed of her songs featured in the Precure anime series.
It was released on November 25, 2020.
Album Information[]
- Catalog Number: MJSA-1303~4
- Kono-goe ga Todoku Saki Ni (この声が届く先に; Before This Voice Reaches to You)
- Dokkin♢Maho Tsukai Precure! (Dokkin♢魔法つかいプリキュア!; Dokkin♢Magician Precure!)
- Healin' Good♥Precure Touch!! (ヒーリングっど♥プリキュア Touch!!)
- Kirari☆彡Star☆Twinkle Precure (キラリ☆彡スター☆トゥインクルプリキュア; Sparkle☆彡Star☆Twinke Precure)
- WINkuru! Precure Miracle Universe☆ (WINくる!プリキュアミラクルユニバース☆; WINkle! Precure Miracle Universe☆)
- Circle Love ~Sakura~ (Circle Love ~サクラ~; Circle Love ~Cherry Blossom~)
- Sakura MISSION ~Precure Relation~ (桜MISSION ~プリキュアリレーション~; Cherry Blossom MISSION ~Precure Relation~)
- Dreaming☆Princess Precure (ドリーミング☆プリンセスプリキュア)
- Okkashi na Patisserie (おっかしーなパティスリー; A Strange Patisserie)
- Rie A・La・Carte (Rieア・ラ・カルト)
- Dream Garden (ドリームガーデン)
- Linkle☆Melodies (リンクル☆メロディーズ)
- Go! Go! GO-bun Saki On'nanoko (Go!Go!GO分咲き女の子; Go! Go! Blooming Girls in GO Minutes)
- Starry Story
- Precure☆彡Halloween Carnival! (プリキュア☆彡ハロウィンカーニバル!)
- Jewel Music Toy Star
- Dokkin♢Maho Tsukai Precure! Part2 (Dokkin♢魔法つかいプリキュア!Part2; Dokkin♢Magician Precure! Part2)
- Yume wa Mirai he no Michi MY toybox~Rie Kitagawa Ver. (夢は未来への道 MY toybox~Rie Kitagawa Ver.; Dreams are the Path to the Future MY toybox~Rie Kitagawa Ver.)
- Ashita Egao ni Naare! (明日笑顔になぁれ!; We'll Smile Tomorrow!)
- Healin' Good♥Precure Touch!! Music Video
- Healin' Good♥Precure Touch!! Music Video Special Movie
- Kitagawa Rie Recording Offshot
- The best album was released during Kitagawa Rie's 30th birthday.
Oricon Chart Positions[]
【新曲試聴動画①「Jewel Music Toy Star」】北川理恵プリキュアベストアルバム「MY toybox~Rie Kitagawa プリキュアソングコレクション~」
Preview for Track 12