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Jpop Wiki

Mayonaka no Headphone is the sixth single by Nanba Shiho. Along with the regular CD only edition, an edition of the single that comes with a set of headphones like the ones displayed on the cover is available for ¥12,000.

Single Information[]

  • Lyrics: Nao☆ (#1), Omii Kai (#2)
  • Composition: Sayonara Ponytail (#1), Omii Kai (#2)


CD Only CD[]

  1. Mayonaka no Headphone (真夜中のヘッドフォン)
  2. Onomatopee no Uta (オノマトペの歌)

CD+Headphones CD[]

  1. Mayonaka no Headphone (真夜中のヘッドフォン)