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Mellow is the 14th album released by Nakayama Miho.

It was released on June 10, 1992.

Album Information[]

  • Catalog Number:
    • CD: KICS-210
    • Cassette: KITS-210
    • Re-release: KICS-3274
  • Lyrics:
    • Track 1, 4, and 11: Issaku (一咲)
    • Track 2, 3, 5, 8, and 9: Nakayama Miho (中山美穂)
    • Track 6: Nakayama Miho and Akahoshi Chiharu (赤星ちはる)
    • Track 7: Nakayama Miho and Watanabe Mika (渡邉美佳)
    • Track 10: Nishiwaki Yui (西脇唯)
  • Composition:
    • Track 1, 4, and 11: Inoue Yoshimasa (井上ヨシマサ)
    • Track 2: Asada Yusuke (浅田祐介)
    • Track 3 and 6: Ozeki Masaya (尾関昌也)
    • Track 5: Kiyooka Chiho (清岡千穂)
    • Track 7: Watanabe Mika
    • Track 8: Joe Carbone and Jeff Carruthers
    • Track 9: Narumi Hiroshi (鳴海寛) and Tada Makio (多田牧男)
    • Track 10: Nishiwaki Yui and Ozatohara Yuko (緒里原洋子)
  • Arrangement:
    • Track 1, 4, and 11: Inoue Yoshimasa
    • Track 2: Asada Yusuke
    • Track 3 and 7: Inoue Nittoku (井上日徳)
    • Track 5: Tsuru Yoshio (鶴由雄)
    • Track 6: Shinkawa Hiroshi (新川博)
    • Track 8 and 9: Narumi Hiroshi and Tada Makio
    • Track 10: Ariga Nobuo (有賀啓雄)


  1. Mellow
  2. Aruki Nasai. (あるきなさい。; Walk.)
  3. Yukkuri My Love (ゆっくりMy Love; Slowly My Love)
  4. Platinum Cat
  5. Silent
  6. Wasure Nakute mo Ii Janai (忘れなくてもいいじゃない; You Don't Have to Forget)
  7. Shakunetsu no Kokoro (灼熱の心; Burning Heart)
  8. Hanashi wo Kiite (はなしをきいて; Listen to the Story)
  9. kiss kiss kiss
  10. Treasure
  11. Mellow (CM Version)