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Jpop Wiki

Mi-Ke was an idol group active from 1991 to 1993. They originally began as the backing vocalist group for B.B.QUEENS, named B.B.Queens Sisters, before debuting as a standalone unit.


  • Utoku Keiko (宇徳敬子)
  • Murakami Haruka (村上遥)
  • Watanabe Mami (渡辺真美)



  1. [1991.04.13] Omoide no G.S. Kyuujuukyuu Satohama (想い出のG.S.九十九里浜)
  2. [1991.12.16] Natsukashi no Blue Light Yokohama Yokosuka (懐かしのブルーライトヨコハマ ヨコスカ)
  3. [1992.04.08] Wasureji no Folk・Shiroi 2 Shiroi Sangoshou (忘れじのフォーク・白い2白いサンゴ礁)
  4. [1992.07.22] Taiyou no Shita no Surfing JAPAN (太陽の下のサーフィン・JAPAN)
  5. [1992.10.14] Asa Made Odorou Kanashiki Teddy Boy (朝まで踊ろう 悲しきテディ・ボーイ)
  6. [1993.06.02] Yomigaeru 60's Namida no Vacation (甦る60's 涙のバケーション)
  7. [1993.12.08] Eien no Liverpool Sound: Please Please Me, Love (永遠のリバプールサウンド プリーズ・プリーズ・ミー・ラブ)

Best Albums[]

  1. [2002.12.20] complete of Mi-Ke at the BEING studio
  2. [2007.12.12] BEST OF BEST 1000 Mi-Ke
  3. [2010] Mi-Ke BEST HITS
  4. [2011.07.20] Mi-Ke Golden Hits ~20th Anniversary~


  1. [1991.02.14] Omoide no Kyuujuukyuu Satohama (想い出の九十九里浜)
  2. [1991.05.03] Sukisa Sukisa Sukisa / Swan no Namida (好きさ好きさ好きさ/スワンの涙)
  3. [1991.06.13] Blue Light Yokosuka (ブルーライト ヨコスカ)
  4. [1991.07.11] Mu~nna Kimochi wa Osenchi (む〜んな気持ちはおセンチ)
  5. [1991.12.04] Shiroi 2 Shiroi Sangoshou (白い2白いサンゴ礁)
  6. [1992.04.08] Kanashiki Teddy Boy (悲しきテディ・ボーイ)
  7. [1992.06.10] Surfing JAPAN (サーフィン・JAPAN)
  8. [1992.07.22] Asa Made Odorou (朝まで踊ろう)
  9. [1992.11.06] Pink Christmas
  10. [1992.12.31] Namida no Vacation (涙のバケーション)
  11. [1993.05.12] Please Please Me, LOVE