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Minami Saori Best Recall ~28 SINGLES SAORI + 1~ is the 36th best album released by Minami Saori.

It was released on February 21, 1992.

Best Album Information[]

  • Catalog Number: SRCL-2315~6


Disc 1[]

  1. 17 Sai (17才; Seventeen)
  2. Shiokaze no Melody (潮風のメロディ; Sea Breeze Melody)
  3. Tomodachi (ともだち; Friend)
  4. Junketsu (純潔; Purity)
  5. Aishuu no Page (哀愁のページ; Page of Sadness)
  6. Soushun no Minato (早春の港; Harbor in Early Spring)
  7. Kizutuku Sedai (傷つく世代; Suffering Age)
  8. California no Aoi Sora (カリフォルニアの青い空; Blue Sky of California)
  9. Irozuku Machi (色づく街; Color Changing Town)
  10. Hito Kakera no Junjou (ひとかけらの純情; A Fragment of Innocence)
  11. Bara no Kageri (バラのかげり; Rose Shadow)
  12. Natsu no Kanjou (夏の感情; Summer Feelings)
  13. Yogiri no Machi (夜霧の街; Night Fog Town)
  14. Josei (女性; Woman)

Disc 2[]

  1. Omoide Doori (想い出通り; Street of Memories)
  2. Hito Koi Shikute (人恋しくて; I Miss People)
  3. Hito Nemuri (ひとねむり; A Nap)
  4. Furimuita Asa (ふりむいた朝; The Morning I Turned Around)
  5. Seishun ni Hajinai You ni (青春に恥じないように; Don't Be Ashamed of Your Youth)
  6. Kanashii Yousei (哀しい妖精; Sad Fairy)
  7. Ai wa Meguri Aikara (愛はめぐり逢いから; Love Happens By Chance)
  8. Yureru Gogo (ゆれる午後; Swaying Afternoon)
  9. Machikado no Love Song (街角のラブソング; Street Corner Love Song)
  10. Kogarashi no Sei (木枯しの精; Spirit of a Cold Wintry Wind)
  11. Haru no Yokan -I've been mellow- (春の予感 -I've been mellow-; Spring Premonition -I've been mellow-)
  12. Ai Naki Sedai (愛なき世代; Loveless Generation)
  13. Ms.
  14. Goodbye Girl (グッバイガール)
  15. Fan Letter -SO GOOD SO NICE- (ファンレター -SO GOOD SO NICE-)