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Momoe-chan Matsuri'78 is the fourth live album released by Yamaguchi Momoe.

It was released on November 21, 1978.

It was recorded on August 28, 1978 @Shinjuku Koma Theater.

Live Album Information[]

  • Catalog Number:
    • Vinyl: 38AH639~40
    • Cassette: 38KH-436
    • CD: SRCL-3432~3


Musical "Ai no Kane wa Narana"[]

  1. Mono Mina Kozorite (ものみなこぞりて; All Creatures of Our God and King)
  2. Shikararete (Maria) (叱られて (Maria); Scolded (Maria))
  3. Watashi wa Lami no Ko? (Little Lamb) (私は神の子? (Little Lamb); Am I a Child of God? (Little Lamb))
  4. Kokoro Mazushiki Mono ni Kou Are (You'll Never Get Away from Me) (心貧しき者に幸あれ (You'll Never Get Away from Me); Blessed are the Poor in Spirit (You'll Never Get Away from Me))
  5. Warui Kotoba wo Oboeyou (悪い言葉を覚えよう; Let's Learn Bad Words)
  6. Fashionable Dream (Jolly Holiday) (ファッショナブル・ドリーム (Jolly Holiday))
  7. Dorobou Tengoku (Me Old Bamboo) (泥棒天国 (Me Old Bamboo); Thieves' Paradise (Me Old Bamboo))
  8. Odori Akasou (I Could Have Danced All Night) (踊り明かそう (I Could Have Danced All Night); Let's Dance the Night Away (I Could Have Danced All Night))
  9. Un ga Yokerya (With a Little Bit of Luck) (運が良けりゃ (With a Little Bit of Luck); If You're Lucky (With a Little Bit of Luck))
  10. Mono Mina Kozorite
  11. Mizuiro no Asa (Climb Every Mountain) (水色の朝 (Climb Every Mountain); Light Blue Morning (Climb Every Mountain))
  12. Sunrise Sunset (Sunrise Sunset) (サンライズ サンセット (Sunrise Sunset))
  13. Yogore Naki Inori (The Impossible Dream) (汚れなき祈り (The Impossible Dream); Prayer Without Blemish (The Impossible Dream))

Hit Parade "Momoe to Tomoni"[]

  1. Opening
  2. Otomeza Kyuu (乙女座 宮; Virgo)
  3. Kidou Shuusei (軌道修正; Course Correction)
  4. Giniro no Gypsy (銀色のジプシー; Silver Gypsy)
  5. COSMOS Uchuu (COSMOS 宇宙; COSMOS Universe)
  6. Cosmos (秋桜)
  7. Zettai Zetsumei (絶体絶命; Stalemate)
  8. Dry Flower (ドライフラワー)
  9. IMITATION GOLD (イミテイション・ゴールド)
  10. Playback Part 2 (プレイバック Part 2)
  11. Yokosuka Story (横須賀ストーリー)
  12. Star Tanjou" AGAIN (「スター誕生」AGAIN; "Birth of a Star" AGAIN)