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Momoe Juunen 3650 Momoe is the 43rd best album released by Yamaguchi Momoe.

It was released on December 21, 1983.

Best Album Information[]

  • Catalog Number: 60AH-1683~5


Disc 1[]

  1. Aoi Kajitsu (青い果実; Blueberry)
  2. Hito Natsu no Keiken (ひと夏の経験; A Summer Experience)
  3. Fuyu no Iro (冬の色; Winter Color)
  4. Yokosuka Story (横須賀ストーリー)
  5. Yumesaki Annainin (夢先案内人; Dream Guide)
  6. IMITATION GOLD (イミテイション・ゴールド)
  7. Cosmos (秋桜)
  8. Playback Part 2 (プレイバック Part 2)
  9. Bi Silent (美・サイレント; Beauty Silent)
  10. Ii Hi Tabidachi (いい日 旅立ち; Good Day, Departure)
  11. Sayonara no Mukogawa (さよならの向う側; The Other Side of Goodbye)
  12. Ichie (一恵; Alone)

Disc 2[]

  1. I Came from Yokosuka (I Came from 横須賀)
  2. Rock 'n' Roll Widow (ロックンロール・ウィドウ)
  4. E=MC²
  5. Omoide no Mirage (想い出のミラージュ; Mirage of Memories)
  6. Phoenix Densetsu (不死鳥伝説; Legend of the Phoenix)
  7. Manjuushaka (曼珠沙華; Red Spider Lily)
  8. Miss Dior (ミス・ディオール)
  9. Hana Fude Monji (花筆文字; Flower Brush Lettering)
  10. Kantsubaki (寒椿; Winter Camellia)
  11. Anata e no Komori Uta (あなたへの子守唄; Lullaby for You)
  12. This is my trial

Disc 3[]

  1. Shounen no Umi (少年の海; Boy's Sea)
  2. Izu no Odoriko (伊豆の踊子; The Dancing Girl of Izu)
  3. Yamabato ~ Kihiki Uta (山鳩~木曳き唄; Turtledove ~ Kihiki Song)
  4. Lullaby (ララバイ)
  5. Arigatou Anata (ありがとう あなた; Thank You, You)
  6. Akai Unmei (赤い運命; Red Fate)
  7. Akai Shogeki (赤い衝撃; Red Shock)
  8. Akai Kizuna (赤い絆; Red Bond)
  9. Scandal (Ai no Hibi) (スキャンダル (愛の日々); Scandal (Days of Love))